CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Digital Cancellation Techniques for Self-Interference Cancellation in Full Duplex Transceivers and Compensation of Unwanted Distortion in MIMO Transmitters

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Departament: TSC

Títol: Digital Cancellation Techniques for Self-Interference Cancellation in Full Duplex Transceivers and Compensation of Unwanted Distortion in MIMO Transmitters

Data inici oferta: 07-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 07-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Segon director/a (UPC): LI, WANTAO
Paraules clau:
In-band full duplex, self-interference cancellation, MIMO, Digital PreDistorition
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
In-band full-duplex communication refers to the simultaneous transmission and reception of signals within the same frequency band. This capability enhances spectral efficiency by utilizing available bandwidth more effectively. However, it introduces the challenge of self-interference, where the transmitted signal interferes with the received signal, potentially degrading communication quality to the point of making it unfeasible.

The project at hand aims to make a contribution in the field by focusing on digital self-interference cancellation techniques. By developing and implementing advanced digital signal processing methods, the project seeks to mitigate self-interference effects on the reciever, thereby improving the overall performance and reliability of in-band full-duplex communication systems.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Over recent years, the demands for higher data rates have been constantly increasing, and with it, spectral resources are increasingly limited. From this situation, the concept of In-Band Full Duplex raises, with the premise of multiplying by two the data rates, or reducing the used spectrum to half, In-Band Full Duplex presents itself as one of the possibilities for future generation communications. The biggest challenge presented in this kind of system is the existence of a Self-Interference, which is currently the center of attention of investigators working in the field.

This project consists of the review of theory related to In-Band Full duplex system as well as the construction of simulators to evaluate state of the art techniques and analyze its viability for real world implementation. During this document, the application of Self-Interference Cancellation is studied as well as the full system performance with metrics such as BER or EVM.

The second part of this project involves the author's contribution to an ESA initiative, focusing on modeling and linearizing a power amplifier designed for the deployment of non-terrestrial networks. This amplifier has the capability to transmit multiple OFDM channels within its bandwidth to different users using beamforming techniques. The present document analyzes the performance of Digital Predistortion (DPD) across various architectures, as well as the overall system performance in simulation.

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