CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Development of a High-Performance Unmanned Vehicle Solution with Satellite Communication for Customizable Aerial Applications

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:

Director/a: ROYO CHIC, PABLO

Departament: DAC

Títol: Development of a High-Performance Unmanned Vehicle Solution with Satellite Communication for Customizable Aerial Applications

Data inici oferta: 05-06-2024     Data finalització oferta: 05-06-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: ERASMUS
Paraules clau:
Satellite communication, UAS, ardupilot
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Currently the drone sector, also referred to as Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), has experienced exponential growth due to the versatility it offers in various areas, whether in leisure, in inspections of infrastructure or agriculture, rescues or even the use of these in police forces and government security forces.

The mechanisms for remote control of drones depend on the system they incorporate, they use different frequencies for each case. In general, they can be distinguished between control by radio, by Wi-Fi and by LTE (4G, 5G, etc.). Regarding radio and Wi-Fi control, they have a couple of disadvantages, range and interference with obstacles. Although there are methods to be able to increase the operational range of the remote controller, its use for it to be optimal must be in an open field, without obstacles. On the other hand, the systems controlled by LTE offer more range due to the fact that they have a connection to the mobile communication network. Even so, this last system needs ground stations or antennas that provide the network, meaning that in remote places or without network access or poor connection, it cannot be used. Also, satellite communication can offer to fill this last problem, since no ground station would be needed, as the connection is made directly with the satellites.

In this project, it will seek to implement a satellite communication system (primarily with Starlink, due to its recognition and high capabilities) and adapt it in UAS or remote control systems in order to study the benefits and disadvantages that this would entail, either in data transfer, video transmission, remote control or even the implementation in the system.

During this project, a market study is presented in order to have an idea of which devices could be used, which devices will finally be used together with their integration and configuration in the system, a series of initial tests to find errors and thus carry out the necessary changes and additional integrations for the correct operation of the system, and the performance of a series of final tests to be able to draw good conclusions from the final system, with the expectation of opening a new chapter in drones communications.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Currently the drone sector, also referred to as Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) or Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS), has experienced exponential growth due to the versatility it offers in various areas, whether in leisure, in inspections of infrastructure or agriculture, rescues or even the use of these in police forces and government security forces.

The mechanisms for remote control of drones depend on the system they incorporate, using different frequencies for each case. In general, they can be distinguished between control by radio, by Wi-Fi and by LTE (4G, 5G, etc.). Regarding radio and Wi-Fi control, they have a couple of disadvantages, range and interference with obstacles. Although there are methods to be able to increase the operational range of the remote controller, its use for it to be optimal must be in an open field, without obstacles. On the other hand, the systems controlled by LTE offer more range due to the fact that they have a connection to the mobile communication network. Even so, this last system needs ground stations or antennas that provide the network, meaning that in remote places or without network access or poor connection, it cannot be used. Also, satellite communication can offer to fill this last problem, since no ground station would be needed, as the connection is made directly with the satellites.

In this project, carried out in the German drone company Dronivo GmbH, it will seek to implement a satellite communication system (primarily with Starlink, due to its recognition and high capabilities) and adapt it in UAS or remote control systems in order to study the benefits and disadvantages that this would entail, either in data transfer, video transmission, remote control or even the implementation in the system.

During this project, a market study is presented in order to have an idea of which devices could be used, which devices will finally be used together with their integration and configuration in the system, a series of initial tests to find errors and thus carry out the necessary changes and additional integrations for the correct operation of the system, and the performance of a series of final tests to be able to draw good conclusions from the final system, with the expectation of opening a new chapter in drones communications.

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