CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Desenvolupament d'un software reproductor gràfic i analitzador de dades Asterix

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: FIS

Títol: Desenvolupament d'un software reproductor gràfic i analitzador de dades Asterix

Data inici oferta: 31-07-2020     Data finalització oferta: 31-03-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
smr, mlat, adsb, asterix
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
A partir del projecte 1 de l'assignatura PGTA, es tracta de
redimensionar el software treballat per encabir noves
categories Asterix: 1, 2, 8, 20, 34, 48, 62, a part de la 10 i
21 ja treballades.

S'ha de pensar el projecte amb una nova llibreria de funcions
de transformació de coordenades utilitzada per Eurocontrol i la

S'ha de dissenyar per tots els possibles fluxes multicast que
arriven a l'estat espanyol.

Recomanable que el software sigui multiplataforma Windows/Linux
i que es segueixi un bon disseny de programació

A mesura que avanci el projecte es podrien implementar
operacions d'anàlisi de paràmetres radar/smr/mlat/adsb segons
estandar d'Eurocontrol i/o Eurocae.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The objective of this project is to develop an ASTERIX (EUROCONTROL Surveillance Information Exchange) graphical reproducer and data analyzer software using C# language that is capable of decoding any ASTERIX file of air traffic (both surface, approach and route) from Spain and south of France for the following categories: CAT001 (Monoradar Data Target Reports), CAT002 (Monoradar Service Messages), CAT008 (Monoradar Derived Weather Information), CAT010 (Monosensor Surface Movement Data (SMR, MLAT)), CAT021 (ADS - B Messages), CAT034 (Transmission of Monoradar Service Messages), CAT048 (Monoradar Target Reports) and CAT062 (System Track Data).

The program, capable of analyzing up to two files at the same time, displays the radar data in table format, with the possibility of searching through chained filters. In addition, it shows the flights visually on a map to see their evolution over a period of time, with the option of adding airspace layers (Airways, TMAs, SIDs, STARs). It is possible to plot all the flights in the file at the same time or filter them according to fields of interest (callsign, category, radar station, time). It includes several extra options to give the user a more complete experience, such as, for example, extracting the information from the data table in a CSV file or generating a KML of the simulated flights to view it in Google Earth (3D).

This software developed is an innovative tool, since previously there was no possibility of comparing monoradar tracks (captured by radars) and SACTA tracks (processed and are those that are viewed by the controllers) in parallel through a Windows program. Mainly the application is focused for its use in ENAIRE, where there is a need to visualize the monoradar and multiradar tracks simultaneously on a map and thus be able to analyse their precision and look for ATC incidents on surveillance issues.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC