CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Automated deployment of a virtual 5G network

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DAC

Títol: Automated deployment of a virtual 5G network

Data inici oferta: 29-06-2023     Data finalització oferta: 29-02-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
        Supervisor/a extern: Daniel García Fernández
        Institució/Empresa: Neutroon Technologies S.L.
        Titulació del Director/a: Ing. en Sistemas de Telecomunicación
Paraules clau:
Automatización, acceso remoto, red 5G
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El presente trabajo aborda la automatización del despliegue remoto
de una red 5G privada. En primer lugar, se realiza una breve
introducción teórica, se define el escenario y se delimita el
alcance del trabajo. Posteriormente, se presenta la hoja de ruta
seguida, junto a las distintas problemáticas encontradas en cada
fase. Finalmente, se muestra el resultado como una prueba de
concepto. Las principales tareas a realizar serán establecer una
conexión remota con la red y la automatización del proceso de
instalación y configuración de los sistemas operativos y software
requeridos en el despliegue.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The purpose of this project can be separated into two main objectives, first we want to study a way to virtualize a 5G network, and the second objective is to carry out the deployment of this network automatically. The project has been developed under the guidance of Neutroon Technologies S.L. as a part of a future proof of concept (PoC) investigation.

To carry out the virtualization of the network, it is necessary to virtualize the different elements that make up a network formed by a Core 5G, an Edge computing that houses the application, a Firewall and a switch that allows to interconnect all the elements and separates the data traffic. In this way, all the functionalities of a network will be developed virtually in a single physical device. It should be noted that the Radio Access Network (RAN) part of the 5G network is not considered to virtualize, since it is preferable to keep this past in an isolated unit and based over hardware.

The second objective of the work is to automate the deployment process so that human intervention is minimal and to be able to optimise the time required to carry out the task. It must be considered that the intention is to generate a tool that allows the entire deployment of the network by a person without the need to have deep knowledge about the required technologies. To facilitate the correct debugging of the process, checks are made with error codes and files are generated to store log messages.

This document will discuss the necessary steps to be able to carry out the virtualization of the functionalities of the network mentioned previously with the use of OpenStack and the OSM orchestrator. It also includes a brief explanation of the structure and functioning of scripts that allows the automation of the network deployment.

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