CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Análisis del uso de configuración de pistas del Aeropuerto de Barcelona El Prat mediante datos ADS-B

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Análisis del uso de configuración de pistas del Aeropuerto de Barcelona El Prat mediante datos ADS-B

Data inici oferta: 15-07-2023     Data finalització oferta: 15-03-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Runway configuration, secuenciación, capacidad, ADS-B
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Objetivos específicos:

1. Crear un sistema de gestión de datos ADS-B que integre las fuentes de datos
existentes, creando los registros necesarios para describir la operativa de pistas del
aeropuerto de Barcelona.

2. Definir un sistema de análisis basado en métricas (Key Performance Areas + Key
Performance Indicators).

3. Realizar un análisis de los datos y una visualización del sistema definido para un
periodo de tiempo de estudio.

4. Definir una matriz de impactos y evaluar las implicaciones de la operativa estudiada.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The runway usage configurations at El Prat Airport have always been a hot topic due to the noise pollution caused by airport operations in the nearby communities. The rapid growth of urban areas around the city of Barcelona and other nearby towns has quickly surrounded Barcelona-El Prat Airport with urban centers, forcing the airport to adapt its operations not only to meet aeronautical needs but also to address social concerns, a challenge that has intensified over time.

The urban expansion around the airport has created numerous problems and debates, causing discussions to transcend the purely technical realm. These debates have involved various stakeholders, both technical and non-technical, who share their opinions based on their personal experiences and specific knowledge. This multiplicity of perspectives has enriched the analysis but also complicated the search for consensus solutions.

Regarding the technical analysis of the airport's needs, opinions are varied and complex, allowing for multiple conjectures and ideas about which configurations are ideal for each specific situation. Experts have proposed different models and theories on the airport's operational management, each with its pros and cons, reflecting the difficulty of finding a single solution that satisfies all interested parties.

The main objective of this project is to create a runway usage monitoring system based on ADS-B data management, integrating existing data sources from Opensky, which are openly accessible and intended for research. The idea is to generate the necessary records to analyze the runway operations at Barcelona-El Prat Airport both during the day and at night, and at different times of the year and specific situations. This data integration will provide a holistic view of the airport's operations, helping to identify patterns and trends that might not be evident through traditional methods.

To measure the different situations and scenarios, an analysis system based on metrics will be defined. By defining Key Performance Areas (KPAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), it will be possible to understand in greater detail the nature of each of the studied operations. This metrics-based approach will facilitate a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the airport's operational efficiency.

The metrics system will allow for a detailed data analysis and a visualization of the defined system, facilitating the thorough study of the use of each runway and the evaluation of the implications of the analyzed operations. This analysis will not only help improve the airport's operational efficiency but also provide valuable information for strategic decision-making. By considering both historical data and emerging trends, the system will enable the anticipation of potential issues and the development of proactive solutions.

Furthermore, this project will contribute to transparency and communication among the different stakeholders, creating a shared and accessible database that can be used for informed debates and decisions.

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