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Títol: Estudi comparatiu de la gestió d'errors en l'A320: Manual Airbus i aplicació pràctica

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Títol: Estudi comparatiu de la gestió d'errors en l'A320: Manual Airbus i aplicació pràctica

Data inici oferta: 05-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 05-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Manteniment aeronàutic, errors, Skywise, AMOS, MEL, MEL C, TSM, sistema de navegació, sistema pneumàtic, aire condicionat, ATA, AOG, A320, Airbus
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Comparació de dos dels programes utilizats a Nayak per detecció, seguiment i correcció d'errors (Skywise i Amos) per saber si realment es segueixen els procediments d'Airbus per solucionar defectes de l aeronau o amb l'experiència dels certifcadors es poden solventar de forma més senzilla i eficaç.
L'objectiu és saber si les instruccions d'airbus es segueixen realment i descriure les possibles propostes de millora del seu manual.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This work presents a comparative study between Airbus' recommendations for managing errors and the actual practices of Vueling technicians in resolving them.
The study goes deeper into how an aircraft mechanically works, what tends to fail more often, what tools are available for resolution, and the estimated time required to carry out these tasks.

The initial chapters of this project introduce the key concepts that are part of the operational framework of a maintenance organization, establishing a solid basis that serves as an introduction to the world of the aircraft maintenance.

The subsequent chapters provide a detailed comparison of the faults recorded in the ECAM (Centralized Monitoring System) of Vueling's fleet, which are captured in the SKYWISE platform, and the recommendations from the A320 manufacturer. It also examines whether technicians adhere to the manual or, based on their own experience, resolve issues in an autonomous way.

This leads to an assessment of whether Airbus tool is truly reliable and useful, and how it could be potentially improved. All these concepts are explained in greater detail in the fifth chapter.

Prior to the data analysis, the following hypotheses are formulated:

· Generally speaking, technicians follow the recommended manual from Airbus.

· The flight phase where most errors occur is during engine start and cruise.

· Errors related to ATA (the classification system used in aviation to standardize maintenance technical information) concerning bleed and navigation are the ones that take the longest to resolve and are also the most critical.

· The ATA chapter where the recommended TSM (Troubleshooting Manual) is most followed by technicians is 36.

· Type 2 errors (related to other errors) do not usually follow the recommended TSM, making them more difficult to identify.

The sixth section presents a list of improvement proposals that also serve as a basis for potential future studies.

In the seventh chapter, a brief sustainability study analyzes how addressing faults in a more efficient way can help preventing delays and reducing the number of aircraft in AOG (Aircraft on Ground) status.

Finally, the conclusions summarize the key points mentioned and the learnings achieved in this final degree project.

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