CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudio de un dron propulsado por pila de combustible de hidrógeno para transportar órganos de transplantes a largas distancias.

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: EM

Títol: Estudio de un dron propulsado por pila de combustible de hidrógeno para transportar órganos de transplantes a largas distancias.

Data inici oferta: 08-06-2020     Data finalització oferta: 08-02-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització:
    Departament: Enginyeria Mecànica 712
Paraules clau:
Dron, Fuel cell, Pila de combustible, Hidrógeno
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El proyecto comporta el diseño de un dron para transportar una
caja con órganos humanos pero centrándose en la propulsión por
pila de combustible y en la logística.

Comportará un estado del arte sobre drones que tengan este tipo
de propulsión y sobre las características de los sistemas de
pila de combustible. Así mismo de las cajas de transporte de
Elección del sistema de pila de combustible, motores,
controladores ... en función del peso y autonomía.
Diseño básico del dron y logística.
Viabilidad técnica y presupuesto.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This report presents the study and development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that aims to transport organs for transplantation over long distances. The aircraft is powered by a hydrogen fuel cell as a sustainable alternative to the conventional lithium batteries used in most drones. The greatest virtue of the use of fuel cells in drones is undoubtedly the good autonomy they offer thanks to the high specific energy (Wh / kg).
The study begins with the analysis of the different classes of existing drones and a detailed reasoning about the configuration chosen, which consists of a coaxial octocopter. Within this process, a market and state-of-the-art study have been carried out as well.
A selection of the components has also been made, with special emphasis on the entire propulsion system of the drone; that is, the hydrogen fuel cell, the motors, the propellers and the speed controllers or ESC. With regard to the methodology followed to determine the weight of the vehicle, it has been adapted to the project based on a study of the payload and the aforementioned market study. What we mean by payload is the organ itself and an isothermal container specially designed for transplant organs.
Regarding the design, the fundamental concepts considered have been summarized, such as the investigation of the materials or the decision of the dimensions taken. Likewise, an initial design of what could be a hydrogen refuelling station has also been made, consisting of a mechanism that would allow anchoring to the drone without requiring human action. In order to perform this, a hydrogen regulator has also been designed and adapted to the station, so that the drone can carry out the entire hydrogen refuelling process in an automated way.

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