Títol: Estudio de viabilidad para la mejora de una finca de ganadería extensiva, con base en pastos y forrajes de 300 ha. en la provincia de Entre Ríos (Argentina)
Estudio de viabilidad para la mejora de una finca de ganadería extensiva, con base en pastos y forrajes de 300 ha. en la provincia de Entre Ríos (Argentina)
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El estudio constará de (I) memoria y anejos, (II) planos y (III)
presupuesto junto a sus respectivos anejos.
Se detallará la situación actual de la finca tanto en su vetiente
técnicaproductiva como económica. Se plantearán estrategias de
mejora en los procesos productivos de gestión de los campos,
siembra de nuevas especies y variedades de pasto y mejora de las
infraestructuras existentes al obeto de consegir un incremento de
los rendimientos económicos de la ganadería.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This work consists of the study of the feasibility of a change of production system in an extensive cattle farm of 128 ha, located in the south of Entre Ríos Province (Argentina). This farm is located in the agro-ecological region of Pampa húmeda, and consists of three farms, each one close to each other, with similar agronomic conditions, and a fourth one, located in the pre-delta of the Paraná River, which is located in a floodable area.
A detailed study is made about the current state of the farm, focusing in its agronomic characteristics, the feeding and livestock production system itself, its infrastructure, machinery, labour and current economic state. This family-farm began its production in 1969, and from the 1980s onwards, having an easy management was prioritized over productivity, as it never has been the family's main source of income.
Currently, the producing methods consist in a traditional breeding system, producing calves weaned at 8 months of age, weighting approximately 140-160 kg, fed mainly on annual fodder crops.
Once the technical analysis has been completed, an analysis of the current economic situation of the farm is carried out and it is concluded that this farm generates economic losses, making necessary to intervene to solve this problem. To do this, another analysis is done, studying the technical alternatives, and also doing a small economic study of the region, as well as the context of the Argentinean economy, which is affected by a serious inflationary process, and a loss of confidence in the peso against the US dollar. After studying these conditions, it is decided that the best alternative to make the farm feasible again is a change in the production system.
During the work it¿s decided that the best solution is cattle fattening system, the objective of which will be to fatten 150 kg calves for subsequent sale as 400 kg steers. The improvements in livestock production are based on the calculation of the energy needs of the animals, taking into account the objectives of average weight gain, energy requirements, and development of the animal during the time they are on the farm. In order to achieve these objectives, technical improvements are proposed to increase the farm's food production and to make better use of the good agronomic characteristics of the farms for fodder production. These measures are based on calculations of the farm's fodder production potential, as well as its seasonal availability, finally achieving a positive fodder balance, which allows the livestock load to be increased, without forcing the soil, and obtaining the desired fattening. A series of improvements are also designed with regard to the organization of the plots on the main farm, as well as other minor infrastructures, in order to improve the quality of life of the animals.
Finally, an economic analysis is made of the new farm and the investment necessary to set up this new production system. An economic forecast is made of the expected benefits in the short, medium and long term, which serve to confirm the profitability of the farm, so that all the technical and productive improvements, which have been designed to make this farm profitable, are shown to be effective.