Efecte del pla de fertilització en la planta mare sobre la producció d'esqueixos de cànem (Cannabis sativa L.)
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització:
En empresa
(cal signar un conveni de cooperació)
Tutor/a Extern:
Alfred Castillejos
Paraules clau:
Cannabis sativa L., Planta mare, Esqueix, Fertilització
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Es pretén determinar l'efecte de diferents plans de
fertilització a la planta mare de cànnabis sativa L. sobre la
producció d'esqueixos en quantitat i quanlitat.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Cannabis sativa L. has become a focus in recent years in the agricultural, social, political and pharmaceutical fields, which has led many people to notice this crop. This has made more and more countries legalize its cultivation for different uses, here in Spain its cultivation is allowed if the amount of tetrahydrocannabinol does not exceed 0.2%.
As each year more popularity is generated, the purposes of its cultivation have been expanded, since historically it was only cultivated to obtain fiber. This has led to the generation of new ways of cultivation and consequently new market niches have been generated that have not yet been fully explored or without a scientific basis to corroborate it.
The world of multiplication and nursery is a sector, with respect to cannabis, that here in Spain is not developed, there are only a few companies that offer this service, even though its scientific support is low. For this reason, a project was carried out together with Valenveras and the UPC to better understand and observe the behavior of the mother plants with different nutritional plans for two varieties of cannabis.
Despite having variability in the results, it is observed how the commercial plan 1 or FR4 presents an improvement with respect to the control fertilization, one of the causes of the improvements being a greater presence of the cationic level in the sap.