CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Substitució de l'òxid de titani (E-171) en cremes pastisseres

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Substitució de l'òxid de titani (E-171) en cremes pastisseres

Data inici oferta: 17-10-2021      Data finalització oferta: 27-10-2021

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:


Paraules clau:
Diòxid de titani (E-171), opacitat, sucroéster, monoglicèrid d'àcids grassos, fosfat tricàlcic

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
La UE ha prohibit l¿ús del colorant blanc òxid de titani (E-171)
a partir de 2022, de manera que les empreses han de fer canvis en
la formulació dels seus productes. La empresa Norte-Eurocao SLU
vol estudiar la eliminación d¿aquest additiu en dues cremes, una
de vainilla i una altre de cacau sense perdre l¿aparença opaca en
el cas de la crema de vainilla i de xocolata amb llet de la de
cacau i mantenint la qualitat higiènica i sensorial i amb un cost
El treball consistirà en estudiar la formulació, el procés
d¿elaboració i el producte final per trobar l¿alternativa més
factible. També es farà una cerca bibliogràfica per trobar
possibles solucions que hagin estat publicades, per exemple el
sucroester combinat amb altres additius o ingredients.
Un cop trobada una alternativa plantejar i executar un experiment
per comprovar si la solució o solucions funcionen en les dues
cremes o s¿hauran de descartar.

Overview (resum en anglès): Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is the most widely used white colorant in food industry. However, soon, in the current year 2022, it won¿t be used as a food additive and will be prohibited. This is used in Norte-Eurocao pastry cream as an opacifier, since the ingredients and additives that make up the manufacturer's formula result in a completely translucent cream and, therefore, it provides a very distant appearance from traditional pastry cream.
For this reason, the objective of this work is to balance, search, analyse and evaluate the possible alternatives that express this opacifying power that is weakened by the removal of titanium dioxide from the formula of the vanilla cream to inject that elaborates Norte-Eurocao. To carry this out, technological surveillance has played an important role in the search for alternatives, in sync with the identification of the principles of opacification of titanium dioxide itself, since its insolubility and dispersion of light when dispersing through the matrix are in charge of that intransparency.
As possibilities, the option of adding starches, fat emulsifiers and insoluble salts as a substitute for this additive is being considered. Specifically, different rice starches are discarded as possible opacifiers due to their high solubility and gelatinization, respectively, since there is a cooking stage in the processing of the cream.
In the case of emulsions with fat addition and the use of insoluble salts that do not react with the acid in the formula, these are the alternatives that, in this project, are proposed as a replacement.
The first option, applying sucroester or monoglyceride with a palm fat and olein, gives opacity by a principle of dispersion of the fat that when it crystallizes reflects the light. In the second option, using tricalcium phosphate, opacifies by the same principle as titanium dioxide, insolubility, spreading throughout the matrix, and light scattering.
In addition, the cost of the components of the formula is one of the most relevant items to have in count. And, tricalcium phosphate is the proposal that, in relation to the final expression of opacity and price, is presented as the best option.

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