CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Proyecto de riego por aspersión en una finca de 7 ha e instalación eléctrica en B.T. de 42,4 kW para un almacén agrícola en Castelserás, (Teruel)

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Proyecto de riego por aspersión en una finca de 7 ha e instalación eléctrica en B.T. de 42,4 kW para un almacén agrícola en Castelserás, (Teruel)

Data inici oferta: 26-10-2021      Data finalització oferta: 26-05-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
Aragón, cobertura enterrada, diseño agronómico, diseño hidráulico.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Proyecto de riego por aspersión con cobertura total en la zona de
riego del canal Calanda-Alcaniz, localizado en el municipio de
El Proyecto comprenderá los siguientes documentos:
DOc-I : Memoria y Anejos
Doc-II : Planos
Doc-III: Pliego de Condiciones
Doc-IV : Presupuestos

Overview (resum en anglès): The project was written at the request of the developer, who wish to execute the electrical installation in an agricultural warehouse and to convert to irrigation a 7,04 ha plot of land located in the municipality of Castelserás, Teruel.
During the last 5 years, this plot has remained fallow, and the pastures generated have been used by some livestock in the area, without any relevant economic compensation. The plot is in the irrigation area of the Calanda-Alcañiz Canal, with an irrigation intake that guarantees a water supply of 6,000 m3/year with a pressure of between 6 and 10 atm.
Adjacent to the irrigation plot, the property has two pig fattening farms and there are plans to build a 30 x 18.30 m agricultural building. The project includes the design of the electrical installation of the building as well as the electrification of the livestock buildings by contracting 20.78 kW.
The agronomic and hydraulic design was carried out to optimise both the dimensioning of the pipes and the irrigation head.
Both the electrical installation and the interior and exterior lighting have been designed to meet the needs of use of the building.
Finally, the project has been budgeted.

Keywords: Aragón, buried cover, agronomic design , hydraulic design

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