CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Producción de biofertilizantes a partir de microalgas crecidas en agua residual

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Producción de biofertilizantes a partir de microalgas crecidas en agua residual

Data inici oferta: 14-12-2021      Data finalització oferta: 14-07-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

UPC      Departament/centre: Grup GEMMA Department Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental

Segon tutor extern: Enrica Uggetti Grup GEMMA (UPC)

Paraules clau:
Col china, Fertilizante, Biomasa, Microalgas, Agua residual, Planta piloto.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En este trabajo se llevarán a cabo diferentes ensayos para poder
determinar las propiedades biofertilizantes de biomasa microalgal
producida en un sistema de tratamiento de agua residual. Se
probarán los efectos de diferentes dosis de microalgas en cultivos
de col asiática. Se monitorearán los siguientes parámetros:
contenido de clorofila en hoja y biomasa fresca y seca, así como
número de hojas por planta al finalizar el ensayo. Además, se
determinarán los contenidos de N, P y K en hoja al finalizar el

Overview (resum en anglès): The current need to create a sustainable agriculture system based on the circular bioeconomy demands the use of biofertilizers as an alternative to conventional chemical fertilizers.

It has been studied that microalgae, especially the species treated here (Scenedesmus sp.), have a dual purpose in terms of environmental issues, since they not only serve as organic fertilizers, but also constitute a clear alternative in the improvement of wastewater quality. This is mainly due to their high biodegradation potential and their ability to remove excess macronutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.

In addition, because of the selenium deficit in certain areas worldwide, enrichment of the micronutrient in biofertilizers from microalgae has been carried out, as it has beneficial qualities for human health.

Thus, the main objective of this work is to study the biofertilizing and biostimulating power of microalgal biomass grown in a domestic wastewater treatment system. For this purpose, the effects of different doses will be tested on crops of Asian cabbage or pak choi (Brassica Chinensis L.), where the dimensions and biomass produced by the plant will be analyzed.

The trial was carried out in the laboratories of the Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Group (GEMMA), using its facilities at the Campus Nord of the UPC in Barcelona.

It has been observed that the higher the concentration of biofertilizer, the larger the leaf dimensions. Plants with high concentrations of microalgae showed higher growth and a greater amount of biomass than low doses. Moreover, the replicates with high concentrations of microalgae and addition of Se stood out from the rest in terms of growth, demonstrating that both had a positive influence on crop development. On the contrary, those pots on which mineral fertilizer was used did not grow adequately, due to too high doses of urea and/or KH2PO4.

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