CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi del comportament de la varietat Charlotte condicionada per la aplicació de hores-fred.

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Estudi del comportament de la varietat Charlotte condicionada per la aplicació de hores-fred.

Data inici oferta: 22-12-2021      Data finalització oferta: 22-07-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor Extern: Manel Tio Sauleda
        Institució/Empresa: Manel Tio

Paraules clau:
Maduixes, Hores fred,

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Sotmetrem grups de 10-12 plantes de maduixera a temperatures de
5ºC en càmera de fred durant períodes de 30, 20 i 10 dies. Els 3
grups experimentals i el grup control seran trasplantats sota les
mateixes condicions a l¿hora. Es Analitzarem aleshores les
variacions que es produeixen en els factors de producció de la
planta després del seu cicle.
Anàlisis de la producció:
- Precocitat
- Volum de producció (Kg)
- Calibre
- Tipo d¿inflorescència
- Aparició de fitoplasmes i de fruits no comercials.
- Massa vegetativa?
- Calendari de producció ¿ Precocitat
- Maneig de la planta durant el cultiu
- Diferencia temperatura dia-nit
Temperatures durant el cultiu.
- Són indiferents a les hores de foscor?
- Planta Frigo arrel nua

Overview (resum en anglès):
The strawberry variety Charlotte is a very popular variety in France, for its exceptional flavour, but even being a day-neutral variety, it requires high doses of cold, a fact that makes the production in the Maresme area not present good yields.

The main objective of this work is to evaluate the effect of the application of cold hours on vegetative and productive growth in a strawberry crop of Charlotte variety during the second year of production of the plants, where more difficulties are encountered to achieve the desired production.

The experimental strawberry crop was planted on a farm in Sant Pol de Mar on different dates, depending on the treatment applied, after spending the summer producing in the municipality of Brunyola.

The treatments differed in the dose of cold and the time of introduction into cold storage. On the one hand, the production of plants introduced into cold storage in October for 15 days and plants that were directly installed in the experimental plot of Sant Pol de Mar on the same dates were analysed. On the other hand, different treatments introduced in the cold chamber during the month of December were evaluated, with differences in the cold doses, and plants installed in the trial plot on the same dates without passing through the cold chamber, and with natural cold accumulation in the Brunyola property. The length of the petiole of the longest leaf was analysed to determine the vegetative growth of the plants, and the weight, number and quality of the fruit during the productive cycle. Finally, the fresh weight, dry weight and water content variables were analysed in the EEABB laboratories.

No significant differences were observed in the total yields of the plants in any case, neither in the quantity nor in the quality parameters. Significant differences were observed in the variable length of the petiole of the longest leaf, where the treatments that were planted in the trial in October, together with the plants that accumulated natural cold in Brunyola until December, showed higher growth values.

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