CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Avaluació del comportament i el benestar en ramaderia extensiva

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/Cotutor: FANLO GRASA, RAUL

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Avaluació del comportament i el benestar en ramaderia extensiva

Data inici oferta: 11-01-2022      Data finalització oferta: 11-09-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor extern: Antoni Dalmau

Paraules clau:
Comportament, Benestar, Ramaderia

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
La ramaderia extensiva és un model de producció animal que permet el manteniment ecosistemes molt fràgils que depenen de l¿acció dels ramats, així com abastir un mercat cada cop amb més exigències relacionades amb el benestar animal. Al trobar-se el productor allunyat del ramat durant l¿època de pasturatge pot resultar interessant conèixer els patrons conductuals del ramat per millorar la gestió de l¿explotació. Per aquest motiu, es pretén analitzar si hi ha diferències de comportament en funció de l¿espècie, tipus d¿ambient i deguda a la pressió de depredadors.

Overview (resum en anglès): Nowadays extensive livestock farming is facing a complex socio-economic context. The coexistence between
extensive production and the conservation of biodiversity has raised tensions between livestock farmers
and the public administration of the Alt Pirineu Natural Park (PNAP). A clear example is the reintroduction of
the brown bear (Ursus arctos), in 1996, due to a LIFE program of the European Union deployed by the
French government, with the support of the Catalan government. As a result of the reintroduction there has
been some discomfort among some members of the primary sector due to the damage caused by the
attacks, especially to sheep. In addition, it is assumed that the presence of large predators such as bears can
cause increased vigilance in cattle (Bos taurus), penalizing the time spent on other behaviours, such as
grazing, and can indirectly compromise the productive performance of herds. Vigilance is an anti-predator
behaviour often associated with the presence of predators but may be due to other causes. The study was
carried out from spring to winter of 2021 in the PNAP, where there is currently presence of brown bears,
and in the Vall d'en Bas, where there is no presence of bears (control area). This study aims to determine
whether vigilance 1) can reduce maintenance behaviour (e.g., grazing, ruminating and resting), 2) is
produced or increased by the presence of bears, 3) is related to the size of the herd, 4) can vary according to
the position of the animal within the herd and 5) is affected by the type of habitat. Non-manipulative
observational methodologies focal and scan were used to collect the behavioural data of herds in the field.
Cattle exhibited a vigilant behaviour the 10 ± 1.0% of the time. No significant differences (P = 0.47) were
found in the vigilance of individuals between the PNAP and the control area. There were also no differences
in vigilance based on herd size (P = 0.99) or the position of the individual within-herd (P = 0.98). A negative
correlation was observed between the time spent on scanning and grazing (r = -0.50; P < 0.05), stronger
than in other maintenance behaviours. Individuals were found to increase vigilance in areas travelled by
humans and other animals (e.g., pathway, trail) compared to areas of forest or scrub. Cattle exhibited
vigilance behaviour, but it has not been related to the presence of bears, the size of the herd, the position or
the type of habitat. Therefore, vigilance cannot be associated with predation risk but could be caused by
social interactions or other disturbances. In conclusion, according to the behavioural data collected, there
are no signs that the reintroduction of the brown bear causes a state of alertness or a perception of danger
in extensive cattle of the Pyrenees that entails a decrease in grazing behaviour and, therefore, could cause a
reduction in cattle potential productive performance.

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