CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Anàlisi de riscos mediambientals d'una empresa del sector agroalimentari

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Anàlisi de riscos mediambientals d'una empresa del sector agroalimentari

Data inici oferta: 25-01-2022      Data finalització oferta: 25-09-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor Extern: Màxim Munté Borrull
        Institució/Empresa: M2 AMBIENT SOLUTIONS SL

Paraules clau:
Riscos mediambientals, garantia financera, anàlisi, ARMA, perills, successos.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El treball consistirà en un anàlisi de l'activitat de l'empresa
(procés productiu, diagrama de flux, matèries primeres, productes
acabats, etc.), un anàlisi i descripció de les instal·lacions
(zones de producció, elements contra incendis, depuradora
d'aigües residuals, magatzems de residus i de productes químics,
etc.), un estudi del medi, flora i fauna de la zona on està
ubicada la planta, i, finalment, es realitzarà un anàlisi de
l'activitat i de les instal·lacions per a la identificació dels
riscos ambientals que suposa l'empresa i mitjançant l'aplicació
de l'aplicació ARM-IDM-MORA es procedirà a determinar la
probabilitat de que aquests riscos succeeixin, a la quantificació
del dany ambiental que poden suposar i a una monetització
d'aquest dany. A més de la proposta de accions i mesures
correctores i preventives per tal d'evitar, o en el seu defecte,
minimitzar els perills que es detectin.

Overview (resum en anglès): The Act 26/2007, of 23 October, of the Environmental Responsibility, introduced the obligatoriness to some industrial facilities of quantifying the risk that they may suppose towards the environment via the calculation of a financial guarantee, through the environmental risks analysis. This is to assure that such companies can assume the economical expenses derived from the reparation of the damaged caused.
Hereby, in this final degree project, the study of this environmental risks analysis has been carried out. It initially entails a theoretical description in which it will be explained what the analysis consists of, its legal frame, its purpose, the methodology used to apply it and the interpretation of the results obtained. Besides the tools and the programmes used during its application.
The second stage of this project involves the realization of a case study of environmental risks analysis, carried out experimentally, for a company belonging to the food industry dedicated to the manufacturing of feed for animal feed in accordance with the methodology described in the theoretical part.
In this case study an activity analysis has been carried out, the facilities and the location of the company have also been analysed, in order to identify possible dangers derived from its operation, examining the causes and the existent security measures, among other aspects, besides the potentially affected natural environment, with the aim of determining situations in which such dangers could happen.
For each of these situations, estimates of the probability that each of them takes place have been made as well as the damages that they could cause and, finally, the calculation of the risk monetization has been developed, taking as a reference one of these situations, in order to determine the value of the financial guarantee.
In accordance with the results obtained from the application of the environmental risks analysis, the risk that can be generated can be considered as low, so the value of the risk quantification of such company is lower than the set limit established in the Act as for the necessity of establishing a financial guarantee.

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