CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi de l'efecte del punt de maduració de l'oliva sobre la qualitat fisicoquímica i sensorial de l'oli en tres varietats diferents, Arbequina, Vera i Joanenca.

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/Cotutor: GRAS MOREU, ANNA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Estudi de l'efecte del punt de maduració de l'oliva sobre la qualitat fisicoquímica i sensorial de l'oli en tres varietats diferents, Arbequina, Vera i Joanenca.

Data inici oferta: 28-01-2022      Data finalització oferta: 28-09-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:


Paraules clau:
oli, varietat, maduresa, qualitat

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En aquest treball es realitza l'estudi sobre l'efecte del moment
de la collita de l'oliva, és a dir, el punt de maduració del
fruit en la qualitat de l'oli resultant. Per dur-ho a terme,
s'analitzaran tres varietats, Arbequina, Vera i Joanenca, i es
colliran en dos moments distants en el temps.
Per valorar la qualitat final de l'oli es faran anàlisis
químiques i sensorials. Les anàlisis químics que es portaran a
cap són els següents: Acidesa i índex de peròxids, amb el mètode
de volumetria. Absorbància en ultraviolat (K270, K232 i delta-K),
amb el mètode d'espectrofotometria. Ceres (C42, C44 i C46) i
éster etílics, amb el mètode de cromatografia (CG-FID).
La part sensorial es farà amb un panell de tast d'unes dotze
persones que seran entrenades per identificar els atributs
sensorials importants de l'oli.
Per tancar el treball hi haurà una proposta comercial de l'oli
resultant, amb un breu estudi econòmic i la seva

Overview (resum en anglès): Olive oil is a highly valued product in the Mediterranean diet. It is a product that is well rooted in traditions. This tradition has followed the estate of El Mas and the Lluch mill.
The aim of this work has been to obtain a preliminary commercial proposal for the oil obtained in the Lluch mill, to choose between the three olive varieties (Arbequina, Vera and Joanenca). To achieve this goal, the process of obtaining oil will be analysed from the three varieties studied and at two different times of harvest, and yields obtained will be determined, olive oils will also be characterized according to physiochemical parameters (acids grade, peroxide index, K232 and k270 coefficients, oxidative stability and fatty acid profile), and sensory (descriptive analysis of oils). Finally, production costs will be calculated, both in the field and in the mill to achieve the selling price.
The process of obtaining is observed in the Lluch mill is a process that allows for quality oil to be obtained. Performances are affected by harvesting, giving higher yields in later harvested olives (about 22%) and lower yields in earlier harvested olives (about 16%). The highest yields are presented by the late arboreal olive variety (25%). The physicochemical and sensory qualities of the different oil samples, both by variety and by harvest time, show how the control oils (freeze after obtaining them) have lower values in degree of acidity, peroxide index and extinction coefficient (K232 and K270), compared to the oils kept at room temperature, probably due to the effect of temperature on oxidative degradation processes. The oxidative stability of the oils shows that the oils of the early harvested Joanna variety and the late harvested Vera variety are the most stable oils over time. As regards sensory analysis, oils from earlier harvested olives show more fruity and green attributes, and those from later harvested olives have less intensity of these attributes but more of the sweet attribute. This sensory assessment has allowed different oils obtained from different varieties, with the softest Arbequina oil and that of Vera and Joanenca oils with the most personality.
With regard to production costs in the field, labour has been the most important cost (approximately 91%), while machinery and raw materials remain. Within the production process, the main objective for cost-effectiveness is to obtain high oil yields, compared to the amount of processed olives.
Finally, with regard to the main objective of this study, we have reached the point of obtaining an extra virgin olive oil, resulting in an exclusive and high-quality commercial product. In order to achieve good marketing of the product, it must be made very clear what market the sale is in. This way you can work to achieve a product that doesn't have to be the most exclusive, but it'll be the most valued for your consumers.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC