CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Diversitat fenotípica en la col·lecció de varietats tomàquet del Catàleg de Varietats Locals d'Interès Agrari de Catalunya

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Diversitat fenotípica en la col·lecció de varietats tomàquet del Catàleg de Varietats Locals d'Interès Agrari de Catalunya

Data inici oferta: 07-02-2022      Data finalització oferta: 07-10-2022

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
tomàquet, germoplasma, recursos fitogenètics, projective mapping,

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En el marc del Pla de la Biodiversitat Cultivada el DARP ha creat
el Catàleg de Varietats Locals d¿Interès Agrari (CVLIA). Aquest
Catàleg conté una representació de les principals varietats
tradicionals agrícoles catalanes. La col·lecció de tomàquet
inclou 54 varietats de consum en fresc, les quals han estat
proposades de manera participativa per diferents entitats que
treballen en la conservació de la biodiversitat cultivada a
Catalunya. Amb l'objectiu de conèixer la diversitat fenotípica
d'aquesta col·lecció i proposar una primera classificació dels
materials en grups varietals, s'ha realitzat un assaig de
caracterització en 2 localitats (Agròpolis, Manresa). Els
materials han estat fenotipat per un conjunt de 33 caràcters,
així com s'ha emprat la metodologia Projective Mapping per
classificar els materials en funció dels coneixements dels

Overview (resum en anglès): Traditional varieties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are highly appreciated by consumers
throughout the geography. Catalonia is rich in varietal diversity and we can find, among others, the
varieties Montserrat, Mallorquina, Pera de Girona, Benach, Quatre morros, Cor de bou, etc. All
these varieties have the particularity of having a good adaptation to the conditions of their area.
Since the arrival of this species on the European continent, the varieties have become icons of each
region due to the strong link with gastronomy. The industrialization and productive homogenization
of the agricultural sector, however, puts this diversity and local wealth at risk. In order to preserve
these varieties, the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda has created a catalog
where organizations and farmers can register traditional varieties. This is called Catalog of Local
Varieties of Agricultural Interest in Catalonia. The aim of this work is to characterize the collection
of varieties using standardized qualitative and quantitative descriptors, to study their genetic
diversity, and to propose a classification of the entries into varietal types. Additionally, the aim of
the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Projective Mapping method to classify entries into
varietal types. The materials have been tested in an experimental plot of Agropolis-Parc UPC
(Viladecans), using a random block design. They have been characterized with three different
methods; the qualitative description of 21 morphological characters, the quantitative description
based on 6 agro-morphological characters and the participatory classification using the Projective
Mapping (PM) technique. The results show that for the qualitative characters the shape of the fruit
is the character that best describes the collection, creating up to 9 distinct groups. The quantitative
description has made it possible to obtain information of interest such as the yield (variation range:
14,419-51,834 kg/ha) or the average weight of the fruit (variation range: 570.43-108.70 g) of the
collection, as well as studying the differences between materials. Through group work with the
participation of all those responsible for germplasm banks in Catalonia, a classification of the
materials into 12 varietal types has been proposed (Cor de Bou, Montserrat, Pare Benet, Pebrot,
Penjar, Pera, Pera de Girona, Pera mata baixa, Poma ple, Pometa, Quaranter, Quatre morros, Rosa
ple), this being a pioneering proposal in Catalonia. The results of the study of the materials using
the Projective Mapping methodology show that this method allows a good approximation to the
proposed varietal classification, showing a good overlap. They also show that, although entries can
be classified into types, there is a continuous degradation between varietal types. Qualitative and
quantitative descriptions have proven to be useful for describing the collection, but are not
sufficiently precise to distinguish between varietal types.

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