CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudio y viabilidad de los modelos de propulsión mediante energías renovables en el sector aeronáutico

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEGD

Títol: Estudio y viabilidad de los modelos de propulsión mediante energías renovables en el sector aeronáutico

Data inici oferta: 18-07-2022     Data finalització oferta: 18-03-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Estudio, Viabilidad, Modelos, Propulsión, Energías, Renovables, Aeronáutico
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
se pretende realizar una pequeña valoración sobre los tipos de
combustible y otras formas de propulsión utilizadas en la
aviación principalmente comercial, comparándolos con las nuevas
formas de propulsión que se han ido desarrollando hasta la fecha.

Realizando así un estudio de aquellas energías consideradas como
renovables o que generan un menor impacto en el medioambiente,
realizando un mayor hincapié, en aquellas más viables a nivel de
inversión, tecnología, etc. Asimismo, se comparará el impacto
medioambiental de las aeronaves actuales y frente a los posibles
diseños de futuras aeronaves, e incluso impactos tanto sociales
como económicos.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This Final Degree Project focuses on the comprehensive evaluation of propulsion systems powered by renewable energies within the aeronautical sector, contrasting them with traditional propulsion systems to determine their feasibility, sustainability, and efficiency. Through a comparative analysis, the study seeks to identify the most promising technologies that could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions in aviation, a sector known for its high environmental impact.
The main objectives of the work include comparing the environmental, economic, and social impact of conventional and renewable propulsion technologies, and assessing the technical and economic feasibility of implementing the latter in commercial aviation. The methodology employed encompasses both qualitative and quantitative analyses, using tools such as Matlab and Simulink to simulate the performance of different propulsion systems, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), electric, hybrid, and hydrogen systems.
The study demonstrated that while SAF and hydrogen systems offer significant reductions in direct emissions, they face challenges such as the need for specialized infrastructure and high initial costs. On the other hand, electric propulsion appears as a viable option for short flights due to its lower environmental impact and operational efficiency, although limited by current battery technology. Hybrid systems, combining electric motors with combustion engines, present an intermediate solution that could facilitate the transition to more sustainable aviation.
Finally, the work concludes that the transition to more sustainable propulsion systems is imperative to reduce the environmental impact of aviation. However, this transition will require not only technological advances, but also a favorable regulatory framework and international collaboration to overcome economic and infrastructure challenges. The conclusions suggest that future efforts should focus on improving battery technology, increasing the production and economies of scale of SAF's, and developing regulations that support innovation and the adoption of clean technologies in aviation.

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