CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Automatización de las herramientas de cálculo para la medición y análisis de la eficiencia operativa en vuelo mediante la comparativa de la trayectoria real y la trayectoria optimizada

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: FIS

Títol: Automatización de las herramientas de cálculo para la medición y análisis de la eficiencia operativa en vuelo mediante la comparativa de la trayectoria real y la trayectoria optimizada

Data inici oferta: 14-07-2023     Data finalització oferta: 14-03-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
        Supervisor/a extern: Patricia Lopez de Frutos
        Institució/Empresa: CRIDA
        Titulació del Director/a: Enginyer aeronautic
Segon director/a (UPC): DE LA TORRE SANGRÀ, DAVID
Paraules clau:
Route optimization, fuel, DYNAMO, FARM, inefficiency fuel analysis
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo estimar las ineficiencias en consumo de combustible de varios conjuntos representativos de trayectorias de aeronaves, centrándose en el análisis de trayectorias voladas (traza radar) y planificada (planes de vuelo) que transcurren parcialmente o totalmente dentro del espacio aéreo español para comparar el consumo de combustible entre la trayectoria real y una trayectoria optimizada; ya sea optimizando el perfil vertical, optimizando la ruta por las aerovías del espacio aéreo u optimizando el espacio aéreo en modo Free Route.
Para llegar a tales objetivos, en este TFG, se utilizan dos herramientas (DYNAMO y FARM), proporcionados por el grupo de investigación ICARUS de la UPC. DYNAMO es capaz de optimizar un plan de vuelo (o trayectoria en general) para minimizar el consumo de combustible y CO2 o los costes de operación teniendo en cuenta factores meteorológicos y las complejidades del espacio aéreo. FARM permite estimar el consumo de combustible real a partir de una trayectoria de entrada (un plan de vuelo o una traza radar). Por otra parte, CRIDA ha proporcionado todo apoyo y datos relevantes al estudio como las trayectorias voladas y planificadas
Overview (resum en anglès):
In the future, a scalable and flexible air traffic management system capable of
handling changing traffic is expected. The fundamentals are based on aircraft
trajectory management, which will allow airspace users to choose their
preferred trajectories, carrying passengers and cargo on time as economically
and efficiently as possible.
This Final Degree Project (TFG) has been carried out within the framework of
the 5th Call of the Scholarship Competition for the development of ideas related
to Research, Development and Innovation (R&D) in the field of ATM proposed
The aim of this project is to estimate the fuel consumption inefficiencies of
several representative sets of aircraft trajectories, focusing on the analysis of
flown (radar track) and planned (flight plans) trajectories that run partially or
totally within Spanish airspace in order to compare the fuel consumption
between the real trajectory and an optimised trajectory; either by optimising the
vertical profile alone, optimising the route using the available airway structure
or optimising the route assuming a full Free Route mode.
To reach such objectives, in this TFG, two tools (DYNAMO and FARM),
provided by the ICARUS research group of the UPC, are used. DYNAMO is
able to optimise a flight plan (or trajectory in general) to minimise fuel and CO2
consumption or operating cost taking into account meteorological factors and
airspace constraints. FARM allows estimating fuel consumption from an input
trajectory (a flight plant or radar track). On the other hand, CRIDA has provided
all relevant support and data to the study such as flown and planned
In order to carry out the study, we have analysed the flights that cross the FIR
of Barcelona and the FIR (Flight Information Region) of Madrid on the following
dates: from 17 to 23 January 2019, from 1 to 7 April 2019 and from 28 July to
3 August. In order to find the causes of the inefficiencies in the flight, 3 scripts
(Large Scale Simulation Manager, Post-process Script and Data Comparison)
have been created in this project to show the inefficiency indicators in the daily
flights and other relevant comparisons.

It is important to note that after analysis of the results, it has been observed
that the vast majority of flights are in the inefficiency range of 10-25% (200-450
kg) and the average between 15-20% (300-400 kg). Although in some cases,
these results are close to or consistent with other studies, they should be taken
with caution due to some existing limitations explained in this TFG.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC