Projecte llegit
Títol: Disseny de l'estructura d'un hangar de manteniment d'aeronaus ubicat a l'Aeroport de Sabadell
Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:
- GIRALDOS GÓMEZ, CARLOS (data lectura: 13-02-2024)
- Cerca aquest projecte a Bibliotècnica
Departament: DEGD
Títol: Disseny de l'estructura d'un hangar de manteniment d'aeronaus ubicat a l'Aeroport de Sabadell
Data inici oferta: 14-07-2023 Data finalització oferta: 14-03-2024
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual | |
Lloc de realització: EETAC | |
Paraules clau: | |
Disseny, Estructura, Hangar, Manteniment, Aviació general, Aeroport de Sabadell | |
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats: | |
La finalitat d'aquest projecte és l'estudi i el disseny d'un hangar
de manteniment. Primerament s'estudiarà l'emplaçament on es vol ubicar, tant en matèria de viabilitat econòmica com de viabilitat geotècnica. Seguidament, s'estudiaran les mides i característiques necessàries en funció del nombre i la categoria d'aeronaus a les que es vulgui donar servei. Una vegada es tinguin clares aquestes dades, es farà una proposta estructural mitjançant software, per finalment acabar escollint i dissenyant les diferents instal·lacions que albergarà l'hangar. |
Overview (resum en anglès): | |
The goal of this project is to design the structure of an aircraft maintenance hangar located in the Sabadell Airport, complying with the following conditions:
- The location must be viable and must not affect the airport's current operations. - The size of the hangar must be suitable to be able to provide a service for the prototypical aircrafts that currently operate within the airport. - During its lifespan, the hangar must be capable of enduring all actions established in the Codi Tècnic de l'Edificació, while at the same time optimizing its use of resources in accordance with the structure's needs. This project will be organized into 7 chapters: the first and second chapters will thoroughly study the Sabadell Airport in order to decide the location and size of the hangar; In the third and fourth chapters, the structure and foundations will be designed; Finally, the remaining chapters will expose the budget, analyse the sustainability of this project and reach the final conclusions. To be more precise, the first two chapters will study the current usage of the Sabadell Airport and the hangars that are located there at present. Then, the two main characteristics which determine the hangar -size and location- will be studied. These characteristics will be first examined individually, and afterwards a multicriteria analysis will be carried out which will determine the final size and location of the hangar. In regards to the design of the structure, the third chapter will be divided into two main blocks depending on the computer program used: one block will be carried out using the Generador de Pórticos program while the other block will make use of CYPE 3D. The first block will study and size the different actions which the structure will suffer, moreover it will start with the overall sizing of the structure. The second block will then define the three types of gantries that will make up the structure alongside all the other structural elements of the hangar. Once the form of the structure has been defined, all of its elements will be sized. The hangar will ultimately end up being a metallic structure of 52 by 32 meters, formed by 11 gable gantries. Two pillars and a Howe truss will form these gantries. The structure's deck will be formed by Deck panels and the facades will be formed by sandwich panels. The last chapter pertaining to the design of the structure will be the fourth chapter, where the foundation will be dealt with: the unions within the structure's foundation, the footing, and the tie beams will be sized. This project will end with the budgeting, an assessment of its sustainability, and some final conclusions. The project's report will end with 11 annexes which will give a comprehensive description of the different elements that make up the structure and its foundation, as well as their respective supporting calculations. Additionally, some complementary documents and the blueprints of the project will be also included in the annexes. |