CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Anàlisi en base a dades de la longitud de pista per l'Aeroport de Barcelona El Prat

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Anàlisi en base a dades de la longitud de pista per l'Aeroport de Barcelona El Prat

Data inici oferta: 15-07-2023     Data finalització oferta: 15-03-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Runway, capacitat, operativa, barcelona
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:

Desenvolupar un anàlisi de la situació actual de l'aeroport de
Barcelona en termes de trànsit i capacitat, així com els
condicionants operacionals i ambientals que el limiten.
Realitzar una breu revisió bibliogràfica sobre la qüestió de la
Realitzar un anàlisi de l'evolució i funcionalitat del camp de
vol de LEBL i altres aeroports europeus (de referència o
d'interès per comparar).
Analitzar l'operativa de LEBL amb una pista en el mar (moviment
en plataforma, aterratge i enlairament... temps i capacitat...
aeroport i el seu espai aeri). Si fossin dues paral·leles
o si fossin tres paral·leles.
Influència d'altres condicionants: seguretat -marges,
bombers...-, impacte ambiental, restriccions imposades per veïns
i el port.

Revisió bibliogràfica i anàlisi de casos Model d'avaluació
operacional i de capacitat
Overview (resum en anglès):
The operation of Josep Tarradellas Barcelona El Prat Airport was modified in
2006, in response to the noise pollution detected in nearby urban areas, and
for this reason, it currently has a semi-segregated runway configuration. The
existence of long-radius WB aircraft that cannot take off on the runway on the
seaward side, in exceptional cases, places them as non-preferential take-offs
on the inner runway or their payload is conditioned.
The objective is to perform a comprehensive analysis of the factors involved in
runway length requirements. Thus, all take-off operations from Barcelona in
2019 will be studied to assess the percentile of aircraft requiring additional
length. The scenario presented by this airport cannot be deduced at a glance,
as factors such as the reference temperature, which significantly influence the
runway length required, must be taken into account. In addition, future
scenarios will be presented in order to understand how variability in expected
growth will affect future operations.
Through observations and defined criteria, a runway length sizing percentile
has been identified as a consistent solution. This future scenario foresees an
increase of 5 million passengers, with entrenched seasonality, and is presented
as a conservative and likely option that avoids oversizing the infrastructure. It
is important to note that traditional runway length design methods are based
on aircraft models that cannot account for actual operating conditions.
Thus, the sizing percentile is determined by analysing the route requiring the
longest runway length, ensuring 50% coverage for the most restrictive
operations in the worst adverse conditions. This translates into a requirement
of 3025 metres of runway and 96.5% coverage in 96.5% of cases, extending
the requirement to 3200 metres with 99.3% coverage in 99.3% of cases and
80% coverage for the most restrictive operations. This solution could be
implemented with an extension of the current runway, as the construction of a
new runway would become a high investment which, due to its infrequent use,
would not be justified.
Finally, serious consideration must be given to environmental issues, the
capital required to implement the solution, and the added value that new long-haul routes could bring. This perspective must be integrated in a holistic
manner, and it is important to note that the analysis is predominantly qualitative,
as a quantitative comparison of value between the infrastructure solution and
environmental preservation is beyond the scope of this project.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC