CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Análisis comparativo del software y hardware para su sustitución en un sistema EFB de un operador

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Departament: DEGD

Títol: Análisis comparativo del software y hardware para su sustitución en un sistema EFB de un operador

Data inici oferta: 12-01-2023     Data finalització oferta: 12-09-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Anàlisi, Software, Hardware, EFB, Despatx de Vol, Proveïdors, Operador Aeri
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Un sistema EFB (Electronic Flight Back) está compuesto por un
software y un hardware. En el mercado existen diferentes
proveedores que ofrecen diferentes aplicaciones para el EFB.
En este proyecto se realizará un análisis comparativo de diferentes
propuestas para sustituir la aplicación utilizada actualmente por
un operador la cual dejará de estar operativa en diciembre de 2023.
El análisis se realizará a nivel técnico, hardware y económico para
poder plantear una recomendación y propuesta de cambio al operador.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The "Electronic Flight Bag" (EFB) system is an electronic system used in the
aviation industry. It is a working tool that allows for the reduction of paper
volume and weight on the aircraft, increasing payload capacity and facilitating
the work of pilots during flight.
This work focuses on analysing the possibilities for replacing and improving the
EFB system of Clipper National Air, both in terms of software and hardware.
Regarding the modification of the EFB system, the possibility of changing the
provider of Operational Flight Plans (OFP) is being studied to improve
operational efficiency.
In this project, a market analysis is conducted on different companies in the
sector that offer possible solutions. The proposed software and minimum
required hardware by these companies are analysed, taking into account the
current regulations that apply to EFB systems that operators must comply with.
The study is complemented by an economic analysis of the potential solutions
and a risk analysis that will be presented directly to the State Air Safety Agency
(AESA) to obtain operational approval of the system for the Company.
The work concludes with a software proposal for flight dispatch and the EFB
system for the Company.

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