CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Análisis estático y dinámico del área de movimiento de un aeropuerto

Estudiants que han llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: FIS

Títol: Análisis estático y dinámico del área de movimiento de un aeropuerto

Data inici oferta: 12-01-2023     Data finalització oferta: 12-09-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
        Supervisor/a extern: José Ignacio Galán
        Institució/Empresa: LATAM Logistics
        Titulació del Director/a: Ingeniero Aeronautico
Paraules clau:
Capacidad, Demanda, AirTOP, Simulación, Pista, Calles de rodaje, Plataforma, Posiciones de estacionamiento
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Respecto al desarrollo del Trabajo Final de Grado, basado en un
geometría general, un plan de vuelos del Año Horizonte, y los
parámetros tipo
- Desarrollo de un proyecto de planificación aeroportuaria basado
en las recomendaciones IATA ADRM Ed12th, ICAO anexos, y AC de la
- Desarrollo de dicho análisis de forma dinámica mediante software
de simulación tipo ARCPort o similar
Overview (resum en anglès):
Given the projected growth in future demand for the airport under study, this project aims to evaluate the capacity of the movement area (runway, taxiways, and apron). To achieve this objective, a static analysis is conducted based on the standards of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), along with a dynamic analysis using the fast-time simulation software, AirTOP.

A study of the current and future design day flight schedule is carried out, identifying peak hours for departures and arrivals at the airport, as well as the number of aircraft simultaneously occupying parking stand at the airport. Additionally, the capacity of the subsystems of the movement area is statically calculated, establishing the airport's capacity based on the lowest value among the subsystem capacities. The obtained capacity is then compared with the demand on the Horizon Year design day (future situation), which is expected to increase based on historical airport statistics and the establishment of a new airline's operational base at the airport.

After the capacity - demand study, it is concluded that the apron capacity needs to be increased to accommodate future demand. A sizing proposal (expansion of the apron) is developed, and a static analysis is conducted similarly to the initial situation. In this case, a dynamic analysis is also performed using AirTOP. The scenario under study is modelled, the simulation is run, and the model is validated/calibrated to evaluate the airport's capacity in the future. The dynamic analysis considers time and the interaction among subsystems, thus allowing for the evaluation of delays, performance indicators, and the detection of possible operational inefficiencies or bottlenecks.

Finally, the two analyses are compared to highlight the advantages of the dynamic analysis over the static and to draw conclusions regarding the capacity of the airport's movement area in the future.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC