CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Implementation and control of the bending modes of the aerospace vehicle along the trajectory

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Departament: TSC

Títol: Implementation and control of the bending modes of the aerospace vehicle along the trajectory

Data inici oferta: 26-01-2023     Data finalització oferta: 26-02-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: Fora UPC    
        Supervisor/a extern: Eduard Diez Lledó
        Titulació del Director/a: Dr. en sistemes industrials aeronàutics
Paraules clau:
Flight Dynamics- Structural Dynamics- Bending Modes
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Els modes flexibles d'un vehicle fan referència a les freqüències naturals a les quals el vehicle pot oscil·lar quan es troba subjecte a forces de flexió. Entendre i controlar els modes flexibles del vehicle és important per garantir l'integritat estructural del vehicle al llarg de la missió.

Activitats a desenvolupar:
Estudi general del càlcul dels modes flexibles d'un vehicle
Implementació de l'algorisme de càlcul
Estudi de filtratge i algorismes de control
Implementació i testing dels algorismes de control dels modes flexibles.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Within the framework of the New Space, the development of lighter spacecraft
poses a significant challenge in the aerospace industry. These vehicles require
precise optimization in terms of weight, cost, and performance, without
compromising safety and reliability. To achieve these goals, it is crucial to have
models and simulation tools that consider the flexible behavior of the launcher.
This is where bending modes play a crucial role as they represent the main
source of structural deformation and vibration in these systems.
In this context, this thesis proposes an innovative and thoughtful approach to
implement flexion modes along the trajectory of an aerospace vehicle. The
work builds upon the existing on-board software and its simulation tool, aiming
to enhance their capabilities by incorporating flexible mode analysis. The focus
is on simulating these modes through a mathematical model that accurately
describes their behavior. By carefully characterizing the fundamental equations
governing this phenomenon, the thesis seeks to solve them effectively using
numerical methods. Through this comprehensive exploration, the aim is to
bring a deeper understanding and practical application of flexion modes within
the aerospace industry.
The obtained results reveal the significant impact that the implementation of
bending modes can have on the performance and safety of lightweight
spacecraft. Moreover, the proposed approach is adaptable to different
configurations of spacecraft, enabling performance optimization and meeting
the demands of the new space era. Overall, this thesis contributes to the
ongoing efforts to advance the state-of-the-art in the field of aerospace
engineering and enhance the design and operation of spacecraft.

© CBLTIC Campus del Baix Llobregat - UPC