CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Propulsion System Study for ONAerospace eVTOL

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Propulsion System Study for ONAerospace eVTOL

Data inici oferta: 01-02-2023     Data finalització oferta: 01-10-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Electric engine, rotor, tiltrotor, multirotor, propeller, ducted fan, eVTOL, batteries, hydrogen cell.
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The aim of this project is to further previous preliminary studies regarding energy storage and thrust production of an eVTOL aircraft. The engines are intended
for optimum thrust/lift balance in cruise and sufficient lift in T/O and LAND phases.

The ducted fan concept will be analysed with the aim of reaching optimum overall performance. Of the three total engines envisaged, two ducted fan tilt-rotors will be considered for the front part, ahead of the wings and to both sides of the cockpit. The third will be a fixed rotor embedded in the tail cone ahead of the V-tail.

The work plan will be as follows:

0) Review of preliminary work on engine and battery sizing.
1) Analysis of the optimal balance of electrical motors for the aircraft in its current design stage.
2) Study of electrical motor advantages over conventional and hybrid engines.
3) In depth study and preliminary design of the tailcone embedded ducted fan system.
4) Analysis of engine power management systems in regular operation and in engine failure conditions.
Overview (resum en anglès):
This is a project whose main objective is to determine the required values of thrust, power, and efficiency for the propulsion systems of the ONA DLC eVTOL aircraft by ONAerospace during the hover and cruise phases. Additionally, it is an investigation work on both open propeller and ducted fan propulsion systems.

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