CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte matriculat

Títol: EVTOL aircraft concept - design and development of the power systems


Departament: FIS

Títol: EVTOL aircraft concept - design and development of the power systems

Data inici oferta: 06-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 06-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Engines, rotors, tiltrotors, multirotors, propeller, ducted fan, eVTOL, batteries, lithium, hydrogen cell
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The aim of this project is to push the design and start the development of the power systems, with particular focus set on the electric motors and energy storage systems of an eVTOL aircraft. The electric motors must provide sufficient power for vertical take-off and landing, and hover capabilities, while retaining high efficiency during fixed-wing cruise flight. The batteries must in turn provide sufficient energy storage capabilities for a full mission and be capable of the peak power supply reuired for vertical take-off and landing manoeuvres. Both motors and batteries must also properly integrate into the flight control system.

The aircraft will be powered by 3 ductred-fan engines, two of which will be tilt rotors and a third an embedded fixed twin-rotor. The latter will be embedded in the tail cone and will only assist in vertical take-off and landing, hover and transition manoeuvres, while the former, located to either side of the cockpit in the front of the aircraft, will switch between vertical axis for these same manoeuvers and horizontal for straight conventional flight.

The work plan will be as follows:

0) Review of previous work from other TFGs on the subject.
1) Study of the optimal balance of electrical motors in the aircraft.
2) Study of the electrical motors advantages.
3) Study and design of the ducted fan system in the tailcone.
4) Study of engine power management, in nominal and engine failure conditions.
Orientació a l'estudiant:
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte:

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