CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Análisis de la evolución de las emisiones del aeropuerto de Barcelona

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Departament: FIS

Títol: Análisis de la evolución de las emisiones del aeropuerto de Barcelona

Data inici oferta: 10-02-2023     Data finalització oferta: 10-10-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Aeropuerto, emisiones, ciclo LTO , carbono, LEBL, GEI
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El proyecto tiene como finalidad proponer una metodología de análisis cuantitativo del

vector de emisiones de un aeropuerto, centrándose en las básicas: CO2 y otros

gases/partículas, ruido y agua. Este análisis tiene como objetivo constituir una base del

posterior análisis de impactos ambientales.

El desarrollo propuesto se ejemplifica con el caso Barcelona.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The air transport sector is one of the most complex user mobility systems (not only on a technical level) that exists nowadays, which is comprised of a wide variety and quantity of components that must coexist and interact harmoniously to guarantee proper functioning. This project analyzes the Landing-Take Off (LTO) cycle at the Barcelona airport, and in greater detail, its ground phase. This cycle estimates the amount of operational activity time an aircraft spends in an airport area.
The main objective of this study is to quantify the gas emissions generated in the year 2019 from the commercial operations of Barcelona Airport, based on the analysis of the LTO cycle of each operation. The aircraft type, month of the year, and time of each flight are considered. Additionally, the impact of certain actors involved in the operations of Barcelona Airport is analyzed, such as airlines, infrastructure, traffic type, and aircraft type.
Based on the studied scenario, various forecasts are proposed regarding how its commercial operations could evolve, to examine the environmental impact (in terms of gas emissions and fuel consumption) that could occur in the city of Barcelona due to future airport activity.
The emission factors of wide-body aircraft (mainly used for international flights) are higher compared to those of narrow-body aircraft (used for domestic and short-haul flights), as they are designed to carry a larger number of passengers. 93.13% of the commercial operations at Barcelona Airport are carried out using narrow-body aircraft, as domestic and short-range flights are predominant.
Flights operated by narrow-body aircraft A320, A321, and B737-800 represent 85.12% of the total commercial LTO cycles at Barcelona Airport in the year 2019. Therefore, these are the largest contributors in terms of emissions and environmental impact within the airport sector in the Catalan city.
In order to mitigate some of the emissions overestimation arising from applying ICAO's proposed LTO cycle reference times, this study estimates the duration of the cycle (depending on whether it is in the takeoff or landing phase) for each stand at Barcelona Airport, based on the time and month of the year when each one is used.
Finally, the obtained results are analyzed, and conclusions are drawn about the emissions footprint at Barcelona Airport, both from the commercial operations of the year 2019 and from different operational configurations proposed for the future of LEBL Airport.

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