CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Diseño conceptual y Desarrollo de un Tren de Aterrizaje para Vehículos Espaciales Suborbitales

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Departament: EEL

Títol: Diseño conceptual y Desarrollo de un Tren de Aterrizaje para Vehículos Espaciales Suborbitales

Data inici oferta: 27-05-2023     Data finalització oferta: 27-01-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Diseño Tren Aterrizaje Vehículo Espacial
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
De forma molt sintetitzada, el projecte tracta de desenvolupar un
disseny conceptual amb un desenvolupament posterior del tren
d'aterratge per a una nau espacial suborbital en què la seva
funció és el turisme espacial.
Es centrarà sobretot en el sistema de recuperació, tipus
d'amortidor a utilitzar (oleoneumàtic), disseny i càlcul de les
barres d'unió entre nau i superfície de contacte a terra, barres
de transmissió, pesos que suporten els amortidors i el patí
d'aterratge, configuracions del tren d'aterratge (amortidor en
posició estesa, en posició comprimida (aterratge), o en posició
estàndard), característiques més al detall de l'amortidor (tipus
de material, cap del pistó, vàstag, juntes... ) entre idees a
Overview (resum en anglès):
This work explains the conceptual design and development of a landing gear system for suborbital spacecraft. It is a project for the aerospace degree program with a focus on airports, addressing concepts of materials studied throughout the university program, as well as new concepts specific to the aerospace sector. The design takes particular emphasis on key elements such as the landing skid, transmission bars, and, most importantly, oleo-pneumatic shock absorbers.

The primary objectives are focus on conducting a study for a potential realmarket prototype, assessing its feasibility and challenges. This includes deepening understanding of materials covered in the academic curriculum and extending expertise into new aerospace areas, such as oils, sealing elements, surface protection, and components related to shock absorbers. Furthermore, it involves enhancing knowledge in physics and aerodynamics to develop surfaces with low aerodynamic resistance, improve their characteristics and efficiency, and comprehend thermodynamics to understand possible reactions within the shock absorber. This includes understanding the minimum and maximum working temperatures of structural components, load-bearing
capacities under buckling and longitudinal loads, pressure/volume relationships, and the impact of specific weather conditions on both structural and non-structural elements.

The methodology employed is based on researching and documenting scientific articles and books related to aviation, with a focus on oil types and shock absorbers, including military standards (MIL), regulations from aviation authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), as well as Microsoft programs (PowerPoint and Excel) for calculations and prototype design schematics.

The results have been highly satisfactory, leading to a very viable and efficient design. It has successfully produced landing gear components with appropriate lengths and diameters, offering a favourable balance between quality and cost. Safety factors have been considered, particularly in critical scenarios involving structural elements and passenger safety. In a hypothetical scenario, certification by regulatory bodies for the incorporation of this design into a real prototype has been explored.

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