CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte matriculat

Títol: Solving the allocation problem of the airport parking stands


Departament: FIS

Títol: Solving the allocation problem of the airport parking stands

Data inici oferta: 11-01-2024     Data finalització oferta: 11-09-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
allocation, optimisation,
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Development of a software solution that enables to optimise the allocation of the parking stands of an airport. Based on an optimisation heuristic (either Linear programming or Genetic Algorithms could be selected, among other options to be analysed), the software will consider a set of restrictions to determine which is the best allocation possible. Restrictions like lead time, size of the plane and the stand, airline preferences, distance to the runway and other will be analysed and proposed for implementation.
An analysis of the airport configuration, operations and aircraft performance will be done in order to identify the most suitable set of parameters to be used.
The application to a known airport, like Barcelona, is also foreseen.

Working plan:
- State of the art analysis; allocation problems, optimisation techniques, airport operations, '
- Definition of the problem; parameters to be used, methods and techniques
- Development phase; implementation of the software
- Test phase
- Development of the applications; Barcelona airport (TBC)

Orientació a l'estudiant:
Requereix activitats hardware: No
Requereix activitats software:     Sistema operatiu:     Disc (Gb):
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte:

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