CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte matriculat

Títol: Study of different waveform performance for enhanced communications in 5G and beyond networks


Departament: TSC

Títol: Study of different waveform performance for enhanced communications in 5G and beyond networks

Data inici oferta: 05-02-2024     Data finalització oferta: 05-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Tipus: Individual
Lloc de realització: EETAC
Paraules clau:
Wireless Communications, 5G, waveform, optimization
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The project aims at exploring adaptive waveforms and implementing optimization techniques to enhance communication in the context of 5G and 6G communications. The main objective of the project is to optimize adaptive waveforms for efficient spectrum utilization and better communication performance for next generation communication under specific scenarios and channel conditions.
Key performance indicators such as bit error rate, throughput, latency in different channel environments using different waveforms specifically FBMC and
OFDM will be analized through simulations, varying modulation schemes and symbol rates.
A comparison of results for different waveform models in different channel conditions will be carried out, leading to a proposal based on ML for the optimization of best performance of KPI's in each condition adaptively.
Orientació a l'estudiant:
Projecte ja assignat
Requereix activitats hardware: No
Requereix activitats software:     Sistema operatiu: Windows    Disc (Gb): 1000
Horari d'atenció a estudiants per a l'assignació de projecte:
TFG ja assignat a una estudiant

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