Evaluación de la distribución transversal de fertilizantes orgánicos provenientes de comportare
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Segon tutor/a (UPC):
Paraules clau:
Ferrtilitzant, Nitrogen, Agricultura de precisió, Urea, Pellet Coeficient de Variació,
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Realización de ensayos de campo para la evaluación de la calidad de distribución de
pellets provenientes de residuos orgánicos como alternativa a los fertilizantes químicos.
Se realizaran ensayos en las parcelas de Agrópolis, probablemente durante el mes de
octubre. El estudiante deberá realizar el análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos y
elaborar la correspondiente memoria.
Overview (resum en anglès): Fertilization is essential for optimizing soil productivity and meeting the global food demand. However, the growing reliance on synthetic fertilizers, such as urea, has raised both environmental and economic concerns. This dependence can lead to water source pollution, soil degradation, and a high carbon footprint due to its production and distribution. To address these issues, organic fertilizers, sourced from plants or excrement, emerge as an alternative. Not only are they more environmentally friendly, but they also enhance soil health. Transitioning to this more sustainable alternative is presented as an urgent need to ensure a more balanced and earth-respecting agriculture. This study compares the field distribution of a conventional fertilizer (urea) with a new organic pellet fertilizer, in its efficient application in a projection fertilizer spreader. This is based on the most relevant characteristics of the three solid fertilizers tested (size, density, hardness...), the associated standard (ISO 5690/1) with its modifications, and the most crucial statistical parameters to estimate application quality through the evaluation of distribution profiles and their subsequent processing in software using collection boxes.