CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

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Títol: Decoloración de mosto de uva mediante resinas de adsorción en continuo: aplicación a nivel industrial

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Decoloración de mosto de uva mediante resinas de adsorción en continuo: aplicación a nivel industrial

Data inici oferta: 16-01-2023      Data finalització oferta: 16-07-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor/a Extern: Ana Isabel Pardo García
        Institució/Empresa: Responsable de I+D+i en Julian Soler S.A

Paraules clau:
decoloración, polifenoles, resinas, adsorción, eficiencia, regeneración, carbón activado.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En este trabajo de final de grado se quiere evaluar la eficacia de resinas de intercambio catiónico para decolorar mosto de uva, como proceso previo a la concentración.
EL objetivo proncipar es caracterizar el proceso a nivel industrial y establecer las condiciones de trabajo para conseguir la máxima eficacia. De forma paralela se determinará los efectos en la composición mineral del mosto acabado

Overview (resum en anglès):
The increasingly high demand from consumers for the appearance of the products they consume, leads the food industry to develop new technologies that allow for improving the clarification, stability, and quality of the final product, without overlooking the economic and environmental impact that entails.
In this study, an efficiency analysis of decolorization is carried out using the IONEX ADS_01 adsorption resins from the commercial company OENO. The objective is to clarify red must from the 2021/2022 campaign as much as possible in order to meet the demand for white must that arises during the summer of 2022 at Julián Soler S.A.
Four experiments are carried out, which have an initial colour index of 7.79, 2.73, 3.73, and finally 3.47. Based on these initial must characteristics, an evaluation of decolorization efficiency is conducted regarding colour intensity, as well as an analysis of the total polyphenol and adsorbed anthocyanin index for each experiment and its working cycles. This allows explaining what has occurred during the decolourization treatment.
Results of up to 85% decolorization efficiency are obtained with a pseudo contact time of 17.5 minutes, and it is confirmed that resin regeneration is satisfactory as the efficiency is almost completely recovered after washing. However, it is noticed that the resin begins to saturate in the fourth hour of the working cycle in all the conducted experiments.

Finally, it is determined that the experimentation carried out with a ratio of 50% red sulphured must and 50% white sulphured must has allowed for a greater reduction in the colour index. Despite achieving a reduction of 17.6% in carbon dosage and 15% in bentonite and protein dosage, this reduction is indeed significant concerning the resulting final residue, which will entail additional expenses for its disposal.

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