Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
La contaminació amb Listeria monocytogenes pot ser un problema molt important en el sector làctic. A més a més de la vigilància microbiològica cal poder entendre correctament la dinàmica del bacteri creixent en productes làctics com poden ser formatges. Cal poder garantir que els productes arriben en condicions adequades al consumidor. S¿utilitzaran models matemàtics per poder millorar la comprensió i poder fer prediccions en funció de la informació experimental.
El treball es realitzarà en col·laboració amb el Laboratori Interprofessional Lleter de Catalunya
Overview (resum en anglès):
Listeria monocytogenes has been the subject of study for a long time due to its environmental adaptation characteristics, which pose an additional challenge in predicting its growth. The difficulty in treating or preserving foods without contamination by L. monocytogenes and the challenge of creating a model that accurately fits its growth have led researchers to work towards preventing food safety issues and implementing guidelines for the development of products, such as cheese, in the industry. The observation of bacterial growth in different cheeses with various characteristics, along with the control and study of the following parameters: pH, temperature, water activity (Aw), fat concentration, NaCl percentage, and coagulation type, is crucial to identify the danger and create protocols to validate parameter values that deviate from the risk of Listeria contamination or to detect at which point in the process it is more likely to occur. In conjunction with quantifying samples of contaminated cheeses reaching the general consumer, infection control in the population is the differentiating factor in assessing the level of risk population is exposed to.
The studied mathematical models are not considered general, but rather specific and concrete, with bibliographic values that sometimes deviate from the appropriate values for Listeria monocytogenes. Nevertheless, the data indicates that with control of the studied parameters and a maximum storage time for cheeses, especially those with pH levels close to neutral and water activities exceeding 0.894, the risk of contamination can be avoided.
Certain temperatures prolong the growth process, and there are significant differences in the onset of exponential growth in cheeses stored at 4 °C and 12 °C.
Control by the Interprofessional Dairy Laboratory of Catalonia, together with the dissemination of necessary information to prevent contaminations for consumers, is the key to reducing the few infections by L. monocytogenes in Catalonia to zero.