CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Estudi dels mecanismes del cracking de la cirera (Prunus aviuum L.) i estratègies per la seva prevenció

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Estudi dels mecanismes del cracking de la cirera (Prunus aviuum L.) i estratègies per la seva prevenció

Data inici oferta: 26-01-2023      Data finalització oferta: 26-04-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

        Tutor Extern: Jaume Lordan Sanahuja
        Institució/Empresa: IRTA

Paraules clau:
cirera, fisiologia vegetal, cracking, agronomia

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El cracking és una fisiopatia que genera importants pèrdues en el
cultiu de la cirera. Pel control d'aquesta fisiopatia existeixen
diferents alternatives de maneig que potencialment poden reduir
la seva incidència en cultius comercials, com l'ús de malles per
reduir la pluviometria, la gestió de la dosi de reg, la protecció
del sòl en moments crítics del desenvolupament del fruit o l'ús
de productes que millorin l'elasticitat de la cutícula del fruit.
En aquest TFG es farà un estudi de l'efecte d'aquestes
estratègies de maneig sobre la incidència de cracking, emprant un
cultiu comercial ubicat a la província de Lleida. El treball es
farà emprant diferent varietats comercials, per tal d'observar la
resposta diferencial de les varietats a les diferents estratègies
de maneig proposades.

Overview (resum en anglès):
Cherry is a fruit with high nutritional value and great economic interest. Its quality is largely determined by its organoleptic properties and the external condition of its skin. Therefore, sweetness, acidity, size, and absence of cracking are the main attributes related to the acceptance of this fruit by consumers, and thus the market. Cracking is the most detrimental characteristic for producers, and there is no established protocol to completely reduce or eliminate it. This study aims to advance the knowledge of mechanisms and strategies to reduce cracking in four different cherry varieties. This work is part of a national research project that seeks to advance the understanding of mechanisms for the elimination of cracking through the analysis of this plant material for 3 years. In this study, we will only use the data from the first year. We have analyzed six different treatments with the varieties "Sweet Aryana," "Sweet Lorenz," "Sweet Gabriel," and "Sonata" in a field in Corbins. These treatments combine the use of the products "Folser," "Peels," "Adimel Star," and "Zumsil" with the use of covers. Due to the dry year, we have also analyzed the productive and qualitative parameters more in-depth to choose the best variety from this point of view. The variety that has shown the best productive characteristics is "Sweet Gabriel," while the worst has been "Sweet Aryana" due to its low productivity and small size. We have only observed cracking in the field in the varieties "Sweet Gabriel" and "Sonata" during the few rainy days. Therefore, after analyzing these two varieties, we have observed that treatment 4, which consists of the application of the products FOLSER, PEELS, and ADIMEL STAR combined with the use of mesh, significantly reduced cracking. The use of mesh in general has also significantly decreased cracking. The induction of cracking in the laboratory did not yield significant results, which may be due to the prolonged exposure to water through fruit inundation and the subsequent elimination of treatments.

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