CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Proposta d'agrosistema de producció d'horta en rotació amb aviram seguin els principis de l'agricultura regenerativa

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: GORCHS ALTARRIBA, GIL

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Proposta d'agrosistema de producció d'horta en rotació amb aviram seguin els principis de l'agricultura regenerativa

Data inici oferta: 03-02-2023      Data finalització oferta: 03-10-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:


Paraules clau:
horta, gallines, agrosistema, agricultura regenerativa

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Es tracta d'elaborar la proposta d'un agrosistema de producció
d'horta i d'aviram (ous i carn) seguint els principis de
l'agricultura regenerativa i evaluar-ne la seva viabilitat, a nivell

Overview (resum en anglès): The present project consists of the design of an agrosystem formed, on the one hand, by irrigation organic horticulture; and on the other hand, by organic egg poultry farming, on a plot of 8,284 m2 in Santa Susanna (El Maresme), all while following principles of regenerative agriculture. The main goal is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of an agrosystem of this type, of which its benefit on soil health and fertility has already been deeply studied.

An 8-year crop rotation is proposed, and thus the available land is divided into 8 equalish plots. Up to 20 crops are implanted, and some of them will be polyvarietal. This high variability of products is proposed as the chosen marketing channel requires it for business success, while varieties have been chosen primarily according to management criteria and to obtain high yields. The sale of the products (vegetables and eggs) will be carried out through direct sale in the field, or through sale to local restaurants, following the philosophy of selling proximity products.

A drip irrigation system has been designed, obtaining water from one of the wells on the estate. Each of the eight parcels comprises an irrigation sector, which is powered by a 3 kW submersible electrobomb. Irrigation lines will be made of low-density polyethylene, with integrated and pressure-compensated droppers and with 1 L/h of nominal flow.

The contract execution budget adds up to 60.363,09€. The economic study carried out indicates that this is a highly profitable business, according to the static and dynamic analyses carried out.

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