CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Modelado de los componentes básicos y simulación de flujos de un almacén automatizado con la herramienta de SW Plant Simulate

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Departament: OE

Títol: Modelado de los componentes básicos y simulación de flujos de un almacén automatizado con la herramienta de SW Plant Simulate

Data inici oferta: 21-02-2023      Data finalització oferta: 21-10-2023

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a (UPC): HATAMI, SARA

Paraules clau:
modelado, simulación, almacenes automáticos, cadena de suministro

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
- Definición del tipo de almacén,
- Defininicón del encaje del almacén autom¿tico en la cadena de
suministro, sector de alimentación-distribución,
- Definición de las capacidades estáticas y dinámicas del
- Definición del gardo de automatización,
-Funciones de transferencua, rotación y alcance,

- Definición de los componentes básicos y sus parámetros
intrínsecos, a fin de inegrarlos en el modelado mediante la
herramienta gràfica de SW Plant Simulate,
- Simulación de flujos,
- Determinación de los límites del sistema:
- Capacidades, flujos, perturbaciones y averias,
- Determinación de los buffers de entrada, salida e intermédios.

- Análisis de variantes y variantes escogidas como punto de
- Formalización parametrizada de los componentes básicos de
-Extrapolación a otros almacenes con tipologías diferentes


Overview (resum en anglès): This project focuses on the creation of a high-performance warehouse that incorporates an automatic storage and retrieval system, designed specifically for a food products distribution plant. The main objective of this project is to address the logistical challenges faced by clad-rack automated warehouses, such as the need to optimize space, reduce operation times and guarantee the quality and safety of perishable products. To achieve this, an automatic palletizing system has been defined that allows the efficient organization of products on pallets, optimizing storage space and facilitating the handling and tracking of products throughout the supply chain.

In this study, the key components of this system are analyzed in depth, including the structure of the warehouse itself, the pallet transport systems and the management software. It is investigated how these technologies can be effectively integrated into the distribution plant warehouse, ensuring smooth operation and efficient inventory management. Different configurations and palletizing strategies are explored to adapt to the specific needs of the plant and the food products it handles. The final results demonstrate a significant reduction in operating costs, greater efficiency in product handling, and improvement in distribution quality and accuracy. In addition, the positive impact on sustainability is highlighted, since automation leads to a reduction in waste and energy consumption.

Outlining, this project provides a detailed guide for the design and implementation of warehouses with automatic storage and retrieval systems. The findings and recommendations presented here have the potential to transform the industry, improving the ability to store and distribute products more efficiently, economically and sustainably. This research provides a valuable roadmap for companies in the food sector and future projects, in general, that seek to improve their storage and distribution capacity effectively.

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