Departament: DEAB
Formació d'un panel entrenat per l'anàlisi sensorial d'edulcorants
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització:
En empresa
(cal signar un conveni de cooperació)
Tutor/a Extern:
María José Galán González
Cítricos y refrescantes S.A.
Segon tutor/a (UPC):
Paraules clau:
Llindar de percepció, Tast, Descriptors, Ciclamat de sodi, Estèvia, Begudes
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Entrenament d'un panel de tastadors expert per discriminar edulcorants així com establir els diferents llindars de reconeixement i identificació.
Determinar els descriptors específics pels diferents edulcorants utilitzats i elaboració de la fitxa de tast.
Elaborar el perfil sensorial descriptiu dels diferents edulcorants.
Overview (resum en anglès):
The reduction of sugar in recent years has been a trend in the food industry. With the goal of maintaining the integrity of sugar-free products and preserving their organoleptic properties, companies have opted for the use of sweeteners as an alternative. This has led to the exploration of different methods to determine the concentrations and types of sweeteners used, including chemical and sensory analysis.
The present study has focused on forming a panel of trained tasters for the objective determination and evaluation of sweeteners. This has allowed for the definition of generated descriptors, the establishment of identification thresholds, and the assessment of the sweeteners' recognition ability by the tasters.
A panel of nine trained tasters from the "Suntory Beverage & Food Spain" soft drink company has sensorially evaluated five sweeteners, including acesulfame K, aspartame, sodium cyclamate, sucralose, and stevia.
The results obtained are presented in three different sections, showing: the descriptors used for the recognition of each sweetener; the identification thresholds, which vary according to each taster's perception; and, finally, the number of correct identifications made by each taster during the training sessions.
In conclusion, the study's objective has been achieved in line with the company's expectations. With the results obtained in this work, a panel of tasters has been successfully trained, particularly skilled in recognizing sodium cyclamate and stevia, although there is still room for improvement. As a result of this work, the company has developed a specific sweetener training plan for the panel based on this study.