CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Efecte dels bioestimulants en la resistència a l'estrès hídric en enciam

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: SERRANO PORTA, LIDIA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Efecte dels bioestimulants en la resistència a l'estrès hídric en enciam

Data inici oferta: 29-09-2023      Data finalització oferta: 30-01-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

UPC      Departament/centre: DEAB/EEABB

Paraules clau:
Microalgues, bioestimulants, estrès hídric, enciam

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Avaluació dels efectes de l'aplicació foliar de bioestimulants
obtinguts de cianobacteris sobre la resistència a l'estrès hídric
de l'enciam (efectes en el creixement i composició)

Overview (resum en anglès): In order to supply the world's growing population, and due to the current climatic situation, the need to improve crop yields and make them more resistant to stress has arisen, particularly, to water stress conditions. Since a few years ago, the use of stimulating substances from the biomass of microalgae and bacteria used in wastewater treatment, has been studied in different plants to increase their productivity.

The main objective of this research, is to evaluate the effect of biostimulants from a physical and a chemical extraction of a freeze-dried microalgae biomass (composed majorly by Scenedesmus sp.), on the resistance to water stress of a lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plantation of the variety maravilla. As well as the effect of the presence or absence of irrigation in the culture.

The plants were distributed in randomized blocks, separated according to irrigation regime (presence and absence of irrigation) and treatment (chemical extraction, physical extraction and control) with 10 replicates for each elemental treatment. The variables studied were chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency, electron transfer rate, fresh weight, dry weight and relative water content. The experiment was divided into an initial phase, a water stress phase where irrigation was withdrawn from half of the plants, and a recovery phase where irrigation was restored. Measurements were taken for each of the variables mentioned above in each phase. Fresh weight and dry weight at harvest were also determined.

In the initial phase no differences were detected except for chlorophyll content. In the water stress phase chlorophyll content was higher in plants without irrigation and with biostimulant treatment, photosynthetic efficiency and electron transfer rate were higher with chemical extraction treatment, fresh weight was higher in irrigated plants, dry weight of the chemical extraction group was higher than the control, and relative water content was higher in irrigated plants. In the recovery phase the electron transfer rate was higher in non-irrigated plants, fresh weight and relative water content were higher in irrigated lettuce. At harvest, the fresh weight was higher in irrigated plants. These results show that the use of biostimulants can be useful for crops with lower water availability.

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