CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Nous productes a partir de llegums: situació en el mercat i estudi d'acceptació sensorial

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Departament: DEAB

Títol: Nous productes a partir de llegums: situació en el mercat i estudi d'acceptació sensorial

Data inici oferta: 02-02-2024      Data finalització oferta: 02-10-2024

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
Anàleg carni, burger vegetal, burger de llegums, tast, cigró, mongeta.

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
En aquest Treball Final de Grau s'estudiarà la formulació i l'acceptació sensorial de diferents productes elaborats a partir de llegums com alternativa a productes tradicionals de base càrnia com les hamburgueses.
El treball és dividirà en tres parts:
1) Es realitzarà un estudi de mercat de les alternatives existents a data d'avui en diferents canals de distribució
2) A partir de fórmules elaborades per una empresa del sector es farà un estudi d'acceptació sensorial a diferents públics objectius: escolar i universitari
3) Es realitzarà l'estudi nutricional dels productes seleccionats

Overview (resum en anglès): Given the rise of current trends in order to reduce meat consumption and opt more for a diet based on plant-based foods, it has caused the market to increase the range of products with these characteristics. Among these are meat analogues such as vegetable protein-based burgers, which in this work will seek to study their situation on the market and main characteristics, as well as find out their acceptance by a child and young-adult audience from a new legume-based burger.
A total of 202 references have been found, of which 36 are legume-based burgers and 166 are burgers with other vegetable bases. It is determined that there are a large number of brands (N=63) and supermarkets that sell them (N=23). The average price is around 20 €/kg, being more expensive than meat burgers (14 €/kg), although a really wide price range has been found depending on the protein base used. A wide variety of bases (N=10) have been identified, with particular emphasis on legumes such as lentils and chickpeas. It is therefore determined that, within the already established vegetable burger market, legume burgers are gradually being introduced.
It has been verified that this class of products will not be a nutritional alternative to meat, since it does not contain the same amount of protein with which to supplement the intake of recommended nutritional values. However, it is an interesting product, since its low level of fat and high content of carbohydrates and fiber will ensure a very complete meal as long as it is combined with another product that provides the protein part.
Having carried out two acceptance tests, it is determined that it evolves positively with age, despite having been poorly received by younger consumers. From the first taste, the factor that stands out is that they don't like the taste or the texture that the legumes provide, but children's acceptance is favored when the accompaniment is tomato sauce. In the second, it can be seen that presenting four different formulas of the same product, where the base legume (chickpea or bean) and the content or not of garlic and parsley varies, the acceptance is very good, being the most valued organoleptically bean burger with garlic and parsley.
Keywords: meat analogue, vegetable burger, legume burger, taste, chickpea, bean.

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