Títol: Estudi de la Influència del sistema de conducció en el comportament agronomic de la vinya, varietat Macabeu, a la DO Costers del Segre (Subzona Valls del Riucorb)
Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: GRAS MOREU, ANNA
Departament: DEAB
Estudi de la Influència del sistema de conducció en el comportament agronomic de la vinya, varietat Macabeu, a la DO Costers del Segre (Subzona Valls del Riucorb)
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Paraules clau:
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El marc del treball es centra en estudiar la millora de la
conducció per a la varietat
Macabeu, que suposa gran part de la producció a la cooperativa
(el 50%
aproximadament del raïm total collit) i forma part de
l’elaboració de diferents vins. Es
vol millorar aspectes relacionats amb la producció i la qualitat
del raïm per aconseguir
millors resultats i una eficiència òptima a la parcel·la.
Overview (resum en anglès):
During the wine cycle of 2019 has collaborated with the work of the field of L'Olivera (DO Costers del Segre, subzone Valls del Riucorb) and at the same time has carried out the study of comparison of driving systems for determine whether the results offered by the Lys variable remain interesting for the cooperative.
To determine the most suitable driving system, the parameters that influence the quality and yield of a vineyard have been evaluated, as it directly influences the distribution and development of its canopy.
In order to optimize the efficiency not only the improvement of the yield is looked for (in kg grape / ha), but also the quality of the obtained grape is interesting, that presents / displays a higher degree in sugars and aromas, due to the increase of the leaf surface exposed to solar radiation and wind movement by free vegetation.
In this sense the Lys system offers a better distribution of the shoots within the space and thus manages to balance the relationship between vegetation and fruiting, facilitating the tasks of management of vegetative development as initially already applies a pruning load more adapted that balances the plantation and solves the excess of vigour present in the plot.
Physiological and agronomic parameters have been evaluated and in parallel the phenology (for the variety of the study) is monitored to characterize and compare the parameters that mainly affect the development of the grapes. The methodology used is obtained from previous studies present in the L’Olivera archive, carried out in the same line of comparison of the vine formation systems.