CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Evaluación del crecimiento y contenido de clorofilas, carbohidratos y lípidos en cultivo de invierno de Lactuca sativa L. fertilizado con abonos orgánicos

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: CAÑAMERAS RIBA, NURIA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Evaluación del crecimiento y contenido de clorofilas, carbohidratos y lípidos en cultivo de invierno de Lactuca sativa L. fertilizado con abonos orgánicos

Data inici oferta: 27-09-2019      Data finalització oferta: 01-10-2019

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Segon tutor/a extern: Silvia Sans Molins

Paraules clau:
Enciam, fertilització, residus orgànics, espectroscòpia NIR

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Treball experimental que es realitzarà principalment a una
parcel·la experimental d'Agropolis, en els laboratoris de
l'ESAB i en els laboratoris d'IDEAE-CSIC. Aquest assaig està
vinculat a un projecte RETOS, finançat pel Ministeri
d'Economia, Indústria i Competitivitat.
En l'experiment, s'incorporarà com a fertilitzant adobs
minerals, fangs de depuradora, purins i compost.
Entre d'altre variable s'avaluaran sucres, lípids i
clorofil·les mitjançant tècniques analítiques tradicionals i
es contrastaran amb determinacions mitjançant tecnologia NIR,

Overview (resum en anglès): Fertilization affects the development, yield and quality of the crop. The excessive use of synthetic fertilisers causes a deterioration in the quality of the soil. As a result, it is advisable to develop alternative models of agriculture that are sustainable. One of these involves the use of organic waste as a source of nutrients for the crops. This may foster the reuse of such waste as it is being used as an alternative fertiliser to synthetic ones.

The principal aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of the use of different types of organic fertilization in contrast to mineral fertilization on plant growth and development, chlorophyll, carbohydrate and lipid content in a wonder lettuce crop.

Mineral and organic fertilizers (organic fraction of urban solid waste, pig manure and digested sewage sludge) were used for the trial and applied to a lettuce plot located on the "Parc - UPC Agròpolis" farm. During the cultivation time, the evolution of the number of leaves and the length of the longest leaf were evaluated. After the crop was harvested, the biomass and its chlorophyll content were quantified, and the absorbances in the plant material were determined using near-infrared technology. In the laboratories of the IDAEA-CISC research centre, the content of carbohydrates and lipids was measured.

No significant differences were observed in the development and growth of the plants fertilized with the mineral treatment and the organic treatments. Nevertheless, differences were observed in the chlorophyll content of the lettuces fertilized with the FO-RSU and the mineral fertilizer: the latter being the ones with the highest chlorophyll content. Regarding the content of carbohydrates and lipids, the results showed significant differences according to the treatment applied, with FO-RSU fertilization producing greater percentages of these macromolecules. The use of near-infrared spectroscopy has allowed us to observe the creation of groups corresponding to which treatment was applied.

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