Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Se trata de realizar un control biológico de plagas en almacén para evitar el uso de fosfina, que es el producto que se usa habitualmente para desinfectar almacenes y es muy tóxico. El cultivo almacenado será el arroz, las plagas más importantes son del género Sitophilus y el control de estos se realizará mediante la avispa parásita Anisopteromalus calandrae. Todos los insectos se criarán en el IRTA. El ensayo se realizará también en el IRTA y en tubos de PVC llenos de arroz de 20 cm diámetro y 1,5 m de altura que es la profundidad máxima a la que suele llegar la plaga. Se probarán diferentes dosis de plaga/ A.calandrae y diferentes profundidades para evaluar la capacidad de penetración y parasitación de A.calandrae.
Overview (resum en anglès):
Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest affecting rice grain when stored in silos and warehouses prior to processing. The biological control method was carried out in the laboratory on stored paddy rice to evaluate its effectiveness. We tested whether Anisopteromalus calandrae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) was able to penetrate vertically through paddy rice until it reached and parasitized S. zeamais larvae provided at different heights (40 cm, 100 cm and 150 cm and at mixed depths), in PVC tubes. At the bottom of each tube, a cage with infested paddy rice was placed (at a dose of 410 adult pests/kg) and at the surface 3 pairs of the parasitoids were released. The entire study was conducted under controlled environmental conditions of: temperature (28 ± 2 oC), relative humidity (75 ± 5 %) and photoperiod (16 h:8h; L:W). The parasitoid managed to reduce the pest globally at all altitudes by more than 89 % and no significant differences were detected between them. Therefore, A. calandrae had no problem penetrating the paddy rice to depths of up to 1.5 m. A bias was observed in the gender of the emerged parasites, with an overall percentage of females of 32%. The final contamination of rice, in total insect biomass, was 84% lower in the biological control (parasitoid + pest) than in the control (no parasitoid). It can be concluded that this biological control has obtained very positive results and would be an interesting method to apply in silos and warehouses with paddy rice.