Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El treball vol analitzar la situació de l¿arbrat existent a la
via pública de Sant Just Desvern i donar propostes de millora
generals i una de concreta amb la proposta de remodelació
d¿algun dels carrers estudiats.
A partir d¿un inventari cedit per l¿Ajuntament, i juntament
amb l¿actualització i l¿ampliació d¿aquest, es podran detectar
quin és l¿estat de l¿arbrat, les seves principals
problemàtiques i mancances i en quins aspectes es podrien fer
propostes de millora. A part de les propostes generals
s¿estudiarà un carrer tipus on es puguin aportar a terme
aquestes millores i canvis, que tenen com a objectiu millorar
tant la vida de les espècies vegetals, com la de la
Overview (resum en anglès): Nowadays we have seen the importance of the presence of the vegetation in the cities for the population¿s welfare. Is for this reason that the actual work is based in the analysis and the evaluation of the street woodland of Sant Just Desvern and there are made some specific proposals to improve.
Throughout all the document there are some general characteristics that are analyzed as well as the condition of the trees from the respect for the environment and following the new environmental conditions adopted for the changes in the climate which we are suffering.
More over two other remodelation proposals are going to be made in two streets of the town with different characteristics but with a common objective of improving the green appearance and to generate important vegetal mass. In the Caçadors street, we will take advantage of its proximity to Collserola in order to introduce the vegetation of the zone, such as the Montpellier maple or the Coolatai grass. In the other hand, in Ponce de León¿s street we will bet for using more common species of trees, such as the lote tree and the street London plane tree, of big crown development and adequate for the big avenues. In this street, we are going to introduce the rainwater gardens, vegetated areas with herbaceous and bushy, which have as objective to make the most of the rainwater, regulate the infiltration capacity and to reduce the growing velocity.