Use of consumer-grade cameras to assess barley and wheat N status and grain yield
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Segon tutor/a (UPC):
Paraules clau:
remote sensing, RGB VIs, multispectral VIs, N fertilization, grain yield and quality
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
The study will consist on analyzing images acquired with a
modified consumer-grade camera in order to obtain a series of
RGB and multispectral indices.
The study will also test the capability of these RGB and
multispectral VIs (vegetation indices)at assessing crop N status
and at estimating yield and grain protein content at harvest.
Overview (resum en anglès):
In rain-fed crops, nitrogen (N) is a key factor determining cereal productivity and grain quality. Assessment of the cereal N status permits to optimize N fertilizer input and reduce environmental impacts while improving N-use efficiency and both grain yield (GY) and protein content (GPC). Consumer-grade digital cameras are recognized as a cost-effective remote sensing technique of monitoring plant N status. To explore the feasibility of using consumer-grade cameras to diagnose the N status and to predict grain yield, biomass, and protein content (GPC), a field experiment was conducted in Hordeum vulgare L and Triticum aestivum L at different N rates (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg.N.ha−1). Measurements were carried at the anthesis stage to determine biomass, grain yield, and protein content at harvest. The capacity of vegetation indices formulated using blue (B), green (G), red (R), and near-infrared (NIR) bands obtained with a consumer-grade camera to assess N status was evaluated. The results showed a high correlation between multiple vegetation indices and canopy biophysical attributes CCI and fIPAR (Chlorophyll Content Index and fractional Intercepted and Photosynthetic Active Radiation); The indices VARI and BR presented the higher correlation with CCI for barley with P<0,01 and r=0,786, r=0,800 successively, and BR was the only index which correlates with fIPAR with r=,583 and P<0,05. Whereas for wheat, all indices were highly correlated with CCI and fIPAR, and the indices which relate the NIR band to the R (NDVI) and G (GNDVI) bands in addition to the index that relates blue to red bands presented the best correlations in all parameters (r>0,800 and P<0,01). Moreover, the indices BR, VARI, and NDVIrgb permitted the estimation of GPC in both species, and in the estimation of biomass and grain yield, the correlations obtained through the modified conventional were high and significant. Consequently, consumer-grade cameras based on vegetation indices may have great potential for grain yield prediction and crop N status assessment.
Keywords: Hordeum vulgare L, Triticum aestivum L, N status, grain protein content, consumer-grade cameras, remote sensing