CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Anàlisi comparativa entre les plantacions de pi pinyer (Pinus pinea) de llavor i les empeltades

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: MAS SERRA, MAITE

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Anàlisi comparativa entre les plantacions de pi pinyer (Pinus pinea) de llavor i les empeltades

Data inici oferta: 31-01-2020      Data finalització oferta: 30-09-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

    Lloc de realització:

    En empresa (cal signar un conveni de cooperació)

            Tutor/a Extern: NEUS ALETÀ SOLER
            Institució/Empresa: IRTA

    Paraules clau:
    Acícula, creixement, estròbil, Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra, pinyons, producció

    Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
    El treball consistirà en analitzar les diferències entre les plantacions de pi pinyer (Pinus pinea) a partir de llavor o a partir d’empelt, dins del marc de la gestió de plantacions de pi pinyer per a la producció de pinyons. Aquest és un projecte en el que treballa l’IRTA, l’empresa amb la que l’estudiant realitzarà el treball. El coneixement sobre el pi pinyer i el seu cultiu òptim encara té moltes qüestions a esbrinar ja que és una espècie que no ha estat mai domesticada. Només en les darreres dècades s’han realitzat assajos per dilucidar les incògnites que té el seu cultiu. En aquest treball s’explicaran els avantatges i els inconvenients a nivell productiu dels pins de llavor i els empeltats, a partir de la bibliografia existent. Al final es donarà l’opinió de l’alumne, amb criteri agronòmic, sobre quin tipus és millor utilitzar i en quines condicions.

    Overview (resum en anglès): The stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) is a tree species native to the Mediterranean region, much appreciated for its edible seed: the pine nut. Pine nuts are highly valued products in gastronomy for their taste and nutritional and organoleptic quality. It has been consumed in many dishes since ancient times and has been encouraged to expand. Its global demand is currently on the rise and the prices paid for this seed are very high.
    Despite this link to humans throughout history, the stone pine is a tree that has not been domesticated, as is the case with other nuts-producing trees. Today most of the production of pine nuts still takes place in the forests. Only in recent decades have efforts been made to domesticate the species, through knowing the behaviour of this tree, the factors that determine its production, the techniques that have to be applied to maximize its fruiting and the genetic selection of the individuals with more and better production.
    The present work is based on the research context of the stone pine in order to be able to manage it in a fruitful way, similar to the cultivation techniques of other nuts-producing trees. The work focuses on the type of plant reproductive material of stone pine: seeds and grafts. These are two ways to generate new plantations and will be analysed what these materials are and what their advantages and disadvantages are. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare plantations that come from seed and graft.
    All the information has been collected from scientific and informative publications on the stone pine and its cultivation, as well as all the first-hand information that the mentors of the work have provided to its author.
    There is also talk about the challenges for the future of this species, whether in intensive plantations or forests, and how climate change will affect its productive viability.
    At the end of the work, a specific proposal for the planting of stone pine is presented with the decisions recommended by the author, according to the information presented in the work. An agroforestry system has been chosen, which combines different producing species on the same plot and increases its economic and environmental benefit. Considering the two reproductive methods explained, it is advisable to opt for the use of the graft to have highly productive plantations with early production. Seed trees are cheaper and easier to obtain, but their production of pine nuts is lower and takes longer to start. Grafted trees also have the great advantage of being able to use highly productive clones and rootstock appropriate to the soil conditions of the land.

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