CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Gestió de residus sòlids municipals en refugis d'alta muntanya


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Gestió de residus sòlids municipals en refugis d'alta muntanya

Data inici oferta: 04-02-2020      Data finalització oferta: 06-02-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
Residus sòlids municipals, Refugis de muntanya, Gestió descentralitzada

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Els refugis d'alta muntanya resulten uns llocs particulars quant
a la gestió de residus generats, particularment relacionat amb
la seva ubicació. Es troben ubicats al voltant dels 2000m
d'altitud el que representa una complexitat per pujar els
queviures i recursos i per baixar els residus. En alguns casos
es realitza en helicòpter. D'altra banda, la separació de
residus en el mateix refugi és una eina imprescindible per a
millorar la seva posterior gestió.
L'estudiant haurà de visitar els refugis per identificar els
tipus de residus sòlids municipals que es generen, com s'estan
gestionant i proposar plans de millora a la seva gestió. En
alguns casos això pot comportar haver d'identificar les vies
actuals de gestió i els ens competents en cada cas.
El TFG es realitza en col·laboració amb el Centre Excursionista
de Catalunya (CEC) i l'Agència de Residus de Catalunya (ARC),
que facilitaran tant l'accés als refugis com les eines de suport

Overview (resum en anglès): During the last decades, there has been an increase in the influx of visitors to high mountain shelters, which has meant an increase in the volumes of waste generation. The particularity of the location of these establishments, which are located around 2,000 meters of altitude, involves an added complexity during the supply and waste management tasks that are often not adequate and can lead to adverse impacts on the environment and in human health. The aim of this work is to know and analyse the management of municipal solid waste carried out in high mountain shelters in order to propose improvement plans regarding this management. In order to achieve these objectives, a 2-stage methodological approach has been proposed, in which five shelters belonging to the Catalan Hiking Centre (CEC) have collaborated. In the first stage, the tasks related to the collection of the data were conducted through a face-to-face meeting with the CEC, a survey to the guards about the generation and ways of waste management in the shelters, and an analysis sheet that compiles the particular features of each establishment and the associated socioeconomic aspects. In the second stage, the analysis of the data collected has been carried out to propose improvement plans referring to the municipal solid waste management tasks by previously determining: the type of municipal solid waste collected, the supply and waste discharge systems and the management tasks implemented in the shelters. The results have shown the need to introduce measures that improve the efficiency of waste segregation by placing identifying signs on waste containers and modifying the policy of informing users about the segregation system. Likewise, to improve the management of the organic fraction, it is suggested to process the fraction with aerated buckets and compostable bags, and to treat it by composting in the shelter facilities. Finally, it is recommended to emphasise on the prevention measures regarding generation and measures that promote reuse, such as the use of cloth napkins, the implementation of a loan and return system for lunch boxes, canteens and cloth bags or introducing savings recipes.

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