CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Efecte de la presència d'antibiotics procedents d'aigües regenerades en sòls i cultius

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: CAÑAMERAS RIBA, NURIA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: Efecte de la presència d'antibiotics procedents d'aigües regenerades en sòls i cultius

Data inici oferta: 04-02-2020      Data finalització oferta: 04-10-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
Aigües regenerades, antibiòtics, gens de resistència, metabolisme, contaminació, tractaments terciaris, agricultura

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Es tracta d'una revisió bibliogràfica centrada en l'efecte que
tenen sobre sols i plantes el fet de regar els cultius amb aigues
procedents de plantes de tractamets d'aigues residuals. En concret
el TFG es centrarà en l'estudi dels antibiòtics.

Overview (resum en anglès): 97 % of water on earth is surface water, of which only 2,6 % is fresh water. Fresh water is essential for our daily life and ecosystems, which makes the scarcity of this resource highly worrying. As global water demand has been increasing since 1980, several studies point to using reclaimed water as a new water source. However, the growing presence of contaminants in such water, for example antibiotics, can present risks to the environment and to human health.

The main aims of this work are to conduct a bibliographic review of the literature on the presence of antibiotics in reclaimed water used for irrigation, and evaluate their impact on soils and crops. During this project several scientific papers and other sources of information regarding antibiotics in reclaimed water, soil and crops have been reviewed. The formation of antibiotic-resistant genes and bacteria are also discussed as an associated problem.

Continued, excessive and inadequate antibiotic use, and the antibacterial effects of antibiotics have negative impacts on the environment. These problems make it important to develop efficient elimination processes for antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants, in order to prevent the presence of antibiotics in soils and crops after irrigation with treated water. Moreover antibiotics can affect humans directly via the food supply chain, causing, in some cases, mutations, generating antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) and creating antibiotic-resistant bacterias (ARB).

The bibliographic review found that most relevant studies were done in experimental conditions. In addition, there are few references to antibiotic metabolism in plants or to the possibly toxic effects of antibiotic accumulation in soils.

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