CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: REVISIÓ: Fangs de depuradora a I'agricultura; Aplicacions i risc d'acumulació de contaminants als cultius i al sòl.

Tutor/a o Cotutor/a: CARAZO GOMEZ, NURIA

Departament: DEAB

Títol: REVISIÓ: Fangs de depuradora a I'agricultura; Aplicacions i risc d'acumulació de contaminants als cultius i al sòl.

Data inici oferta: 04-02-2020      Data finalització oferta: 04-10-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:


Paraules clau:
fertilitzants orgànics, fang depuradora, metalls pesants

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
Treball transformat a no experimental per fer una revisió bibliogràfica
de 'l'estat de l'art' en ús de fangs de depuradora a l'agricultura i
les seves aplicacions, analitzant els resultats d'un assaig anterior a
covid. Està vinculat a un
projecte RETOS, finançat pel Ministeri
d'Economia, Indústria i Competitivitat i es farà una recerca
bibliogràfica i anàlisi del que s'ha treballat i el que es coneix.

Overview (resum en anglès): The production of enormous quantities of organic waste in the high concentrations of population in urban areas, the development of the agro-food industry and the intensification of farming, have been a trigger for the reuse of this material.
In this work, the production and methods used for the treatment of sewage sludge have been reviewed. In addition to the possible destinations and applications, either in agricultural fertilization as energy generation and production of materials that favor the initiation of a circular economic system.
The use of sewage sludge in the agricultural sector implies a risk for the toxicity of the soil, since its use can cause an increase of pollutants such as heavy metals that can affect the development and production of crops.
These metals can accumulate in the soil, water sources and be assimilated by plants in their ionic form. The problems derived from contamination by heavy metals do not only affect crops and agricultural soil, but also study the possible effect on humans that make vegetables a source of food. An updated review of relevant studies of this problem is made.
Finally, it has been carried out the analysis of the results obtained in the second field trial of DAMA Project in a radish crop. In this study, sewage sludge, other organic residues and a standard mineral fertilizer were applied as fertilizer and their effect on different development parameters (biomass, fresh weight, dry weight, chlorophyll, lipids and carbohydrates) was evaluated.
The results obtained show that mineral fertilization and sewage sludge provide the best performance to the horseradish crop.

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