CBL - Campus del Baix Llobregat

Projecte llegit

Títol: Posta a punt d'un metode d'extracció i quantificació de iprodiona en suc de fruites

Estudiant que ha llegit aquest projecte:


Departament: DEAB

Títol: Posta a punt d'un metode d'extracció i quantificació de iprodiona en suc de fruites

Data inici oferta: 07-02-2020      Data finalització oferta: 07-10-2020

Estudis d'assignació del projecte:

Lloc de realització:

Paraules clau:
fungicida, sucs de fruita, límits màxims de residus, cromatògraf gasos-espectre de masses

Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
L'objectiu d'aquest treball es posar a punt un mètode per determinar
residus de pesticides en sucs .
Concretament es centrarà en la quantificació de iprodiona en peres .
Es buscaran les condicions ironies d'extracció i les condicions
idonies de treball en CG .EM

Overview (resum en anglès): The control of pesticides in food is an increasingly important challenge for the industries of the sector, since its products are required, whether natural or processed, that do not exceed the maximum limits allowed by legislation. Since these minimum amounts are in very low concentrations to be able to detect them, it is necessary to carry out careful extraction processed and to have adequate laboratory instruments to be able to detect and/or quantify up to the required values.
The objective of the work will be to find suitable operating methods for the samples to be analyzed (citrus juices and seed fruit) both for handling the samples and preparing them, as well as paying special attention to setting up the gas-mass chromatograph available to identify and/or quantity the fungicide Iprodione.
The results obtained using the QuEChERS method (kit KS0-8911 from Phenomenex), suitable for the extraction of the Iprodione and separation with the Agilent 7890 Series chromatograph with EM 5973 Network detector, although intensive work was done on their set-up and calibration, they were not expected ones, since it was not possible to reach the detection limits necessary to quantify Iprodione. Good results were obtained only up to 3 ppm, with the required levels being between 0.1-0.01 ppm. Therefore, it was not possible to corroborate the results obtained by accredited external laboratories (the lack presence in the processed products).
As a possible proposal to try to improve the validation, the replacement of the EM detector by an FID detector can be planned since it is more selective.
Keywords: pesticides, fruit juices, maximum residue limits, gas-mass spectrum chromatograph.

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