Anàlisi i proposta de millora de l'arbrat viari del barri del Poble Sec
Data inici oferta:
Data finalització oferta:
Estudis d'assignació del projecte:
Lloc de realització: EEABB
Paraules clau:
arbrat viari, poble sec, millores
Descripció del contingut i pla d'activitats:
El treball vol analitzar la situació actual de larbrat existent als carrers del barri del Poble Sec de Barcelona i formular propostes de millora de caràcter general i altres de més concretes.
A partir dun inventari cedit per lAjuntament, i juntament amb lactualització daquest, es podran detectar quin és lestat de larbrat, les seves principals problemàtiques i mancances i en quins aspectes es podrien fer propostes de millora. A part de les propostes generals sestudiarà un parell de carrers tipus on es puguin portar a terme aquestes millores i canvis, que tenen com a objectiu millorar tant la vida de les espècies vegetals, com la de la ciutadania.
Overview (resum en anglès): In a delimited area of the Poble Sec district of Barcelona, a general study is carried out of the state of the roadway trees, making a count of streets with roadway trees and of faults and damaged trees that exist. The typologies of streets and the species planted are analysed. New species are proposed to be introduced into the neighbourhood to improve biodiversity with climate-resistant species also adapted to the characteristics of the city which tends toward climate change.
Once the trees have been analysed, improvements are proposed for two streets. In Cabanes Street, which is now bare of vegetation, it is proposed to introduce trees in flower beds planted with different bushes, and in França Xica Street it is proposed to renew the existing aged trees, combining two species of trees and two species of bushes for the flower beds.
In all cases the climatic and edaphic conditions of the city are taken into account, and it is ensured that the vegetation can develop correctly and thus provide benefits to the inhabitants. The aesthetic component is also considered by playing with the different trees and bush ports, and the colours of the flowers or colour-changing leaves that the same vegetation offers, always referring to the passage of the seasons that we still have in our climate.